What now?

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Devin's POV

My head hurts. What is that noise? Where am I?
Fuck. I opened my eyes slowly, everything was fussy. I heard very familiar heavy foot steps. My dad, shit. I looked around to try to figure out where I was. To my surprise I was in my room. In my bed. Had I dreamed all of that. I touched my forehead. I winced as my finger tips touched my bruised forehead. Nope I didn't dream any of it.
My dad kicked open my door and looked me dead in the eyes. "Oh look, the faggot crossdresser is up". I looked down at my body. I was still in booty shorts and a crop top. I covered my stomach the best I could with my arms. I didn't want him go see my scars.
"Your mother is buried deep in the woods in the back, I guess your she was right living the country is awesome, no neighbors to bother you". He Laughed as he left. Asshole.

*Later that night*
I stayed in my room all day think about my life. I'm a seventeen year old gay crossdresser. What else is their to say, my dad is right. He always was. I dropped out of high school because I got bullied to much. I have no friends. Never did. I had one boyfriend. His name was Tj bell. He moved away and never called me again. I didn't blame him. He was bisexual so he could have any girl or guy he wanted. He didn't need to be held down by a freak like me. I'm only still alive because of my mom. We were so close. We did everything together. We went shopping together. Did everything any normal mother and daughter would do together. She was my whole world and I was hers.
I was deep in thought when the devil himself kick my door open again. He is going to break my door I thought to myself. I just looked at him. "Make me dinner, faggot" I climbed out of bed as he turned to go back down the stairs. "Oh since you killed my mom I'm your new maid" he turned around looking more pissed then I had ever seen him. Oops. I closed my eyes as his heavy steps reached me. I felt my face sting as I fell to the floor. Damn, he slaps hard. "Never talk back to me...oh does the slut not like getting hit". He grabbed my face with one of his hands and pulled me up to his face. I didn't notice he had squatted down.
His eyes showed that he wanted to say something but he didn't. "Get down stairs and make me food". He let go of my face and turned. Once he was downstairs I got up and walked to the mirror. My face was red and I could see a hand print starting to show on my face. Fuck. Maybe I shouldn't mess with him. I need to keep the sass on the down low while he is like this.
I walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. "Get me a beer" the beast yelled from the living room. I walked to the fridge. I opened the door only to realise that it was pretty much empty. What the fuck am I supposed to make him. I grabbed a beer from the bottom drawer. I shut the door and walked to the living room. I handed the beer to him. "What am I supposed to make you there is no food in the fridge". If looks could kill I would be dead. "I don't know, slut, find something, it better be good or else" he warned.
Great. I walked back into the kitchen and looked straight at the knives. I grabbed the biggest one and turned on my heels. As I turned the air hit my bare stomach and legs. Shit I forgot to change. I hid the knife behind my back as I neared my father. I stepped in front of him. "Move, slut" I stepped closer to him. My face held no emotions. He looked bothered. Good. I pulled the knife out from behind me and stabbed him in the chest. I keep stabbing him. Tears streamed down my face. Blood splattered all over me and the surrounding area.
I dropped the knife and stepped back. I couldn't see because of the tears. I didn't realize I didn't it till now. I just killed my father. I ran to the phone that was on the couch. I dialed 911.
"Hello 911 how may I help you"
"I just killed my father"
"Excuse me, what did you just do"
"I just killed my father, help me please"
"Okay sweetheart calm down, police are on the way, stay on the phone with me"
I ended the call. Dropping the phone, I ran up the stairs to my bathroom. My makeup was smeared down my face, my hair was a matted mess. My eyes were blood shot from all the crying. Blood covered me. I reached into the medicine cabinet and grabbed my blade. I walked to my room. I crawled onto my oversized bed. I heard something. Rain. Why do I hear rain. I looked out the window.
Rain streamed down the window just like the tears streamed down my face. I looked at the blade in my hand. Do I really want to do this. I heard the cops in the distance. Their coming to take me away. I pressed the blade to my wrist and dragged it towards my elbow. I did the same to the other arm. Blood pored out of the cuts.
Outside I could see the lights of the cop cars. I heard car doors slam shut.they started banging on the door yelling at me to open up. The front door was kicked down. I heard lots of loud foot steps and yelling. All of it started to get louder. Up the stairs it came. The last thing I saw before the end came was a horrified cop looking at me.

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