Memories are bitchs

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Devin's POV

I heard Ricky open his window. Probably needs some air. I was sitting in the hallway near his room, trying to figure out how I was going to help him. I don't even know if he will remember me. I hope he doesn't. I can't help him. I'm worthless. How am I supposed to help someone who is broken if I am to.

The house feel silent. There was so much pain floating through the air. We were both feeling pain. I have felt it for a while.

I decided I didn't want to think about it any more so I went downstairs. I picked up the living room a little. Just some jackets and a blanket. I don't even remember doing this when I was alive. I wasn't much of a clean person but I wasn't messy. I had my own way of keeping things clean. Don't move anything and don't do anything and nothing will get messy.

I sat down on the couch closes to the window. Looking out theses Windows now that I'm dead is weird. I see the same thing but I'm not the same. I keep thinking back to when I was alive. Things were different. I didn't have to deal with people, I didn't even have to deal with my own problems. I keeps most of the negative thoughts away with music but sometimes music can't help. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Ricky's door open slowly.

His light foot steps came to a stop at the top of the stairs. Then proceeded to hop down every step in till he reached the bottom. I was invisible again, I didn't have any energy left. I used all of it trying to get Ricky in bed. Wow that sounds bad. He walked into the kitchen then walked back out with what looks like a flashlight in one of his hands and in the other a small silver key. He walked up the stairs. I heard lots of movement and the sound of him saying ow.

My curiosity got the best of me so I went upstairs to see what the hell he was doing. When I reached the top of the stairs the attic door was open and the ladder was down. Why is he in the attic. There's nothing up there besides some of my old things, I think. I placed one foot on the ladder. Okay Devin you got this. Your a ghost. Don't be afraid nothing can get you. Even with my little speech I was still scared when I was actually in the attic.

Dust was everywhere. I inhaled some of it, coughing after. Where is my little creature. I walked to the very back of the attic to find Ricky looking through some stuff. My stuff.

He was going through pictures of me and my mom. His face showed multiple emotions, sad, confused and I think love. Is that even an emotion you can show? I walked closer to the fragile boy. He pulled out another picture. This one was of just me. I was wearing some of my girly clothes. I miss those booty shorts and that crop top. He flipped the picture over and started to read what was on the back. Then he read out loud. "With love we hold close, pain we release and lust we crave. I love you" he stopped then read the last words, "Devin sola is my Angel."

"Devin...that's a nice name. Why have I been dreaming about him though. This is the first time I have ever seen his beautiful face...well in real life that is." Ricky paused. He flipped the picture back over and stared at it. "What ever happened to him?"

Ricky piled a bunch of pictures of me into a small box, walked past me then walked out of the attic. I started to panic. I raced after him and down the stairs before he could close the attic door. I ran back downstairs and into the living room. I'm staying here in till I absolutely have to move. I could here Ricky close his door. I'm guessing he's going back to bed.

Finally there isn't a cliffhanger...or is there?

Can he love a ghost?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang