+ thirteen

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chapter thirteen

aera wiped the sweat off of her forehead with the back of her hand, tired after a long day at work. jinyoung sat at a table in the far back, wearing a hoodie and dark sunglasses and talking to a pretty girl. aera often forgot that jaebum and jinyoung were idols, because they acted like normal people and costumers rarely recognized them.

she traipsed over to the door, flipping the small sign hanging on the door from one side to the other, displaying to the outside world that the café was now closed.

when she turned back around, jinyoung was making his way over to her, removing his hood and shades.

aera could see jaebum watching intently and she bit her tongue.

"aera, this is my girlfriend, song dahye," jinyoung introduced quietly. "dahye, this is baek aera."

a girl about jinyoung's height stepped out from behind him, bowing gracefully.

"hi, i'm BESTie's dahye," she said sweetly.

"hello," aera replied with a low bow. she was familiar with dahye's group. "i'm baek aera."

jaebum made his way over with a scowl, exchanging glances with dahye, acknowledging her but not greeting her. jinyoung frowned, wrapping his arm around dahye's small waist.

"come with me, aera," he said plainly, tugging her away by her elbow.

"what's your issue?" aera spat once they were out of earshot.

"my issue?" jaebum shrugged. "nothing actually i just wanted them to stop talking to you."

aera scoffed, attempting to push past jaebum. he caught her hand with a smile.

"don't be disrespectful. i am your oppa, after all. now, why don't you go up to our room and take a nap," he brushed a few strands of hair out of aera's eyes but her face remained a pout. "you worked hard today and you seem tired."

with little effort and incredible grace, jaebum somehow managed to turn aera around and have her walking up the stairs.

"dahye is making us dinner so rest well aera!" jinyoung called up the steps.

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