Blazing Tatooine

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Tatooine, my home, was blazing red with fire that spread across the barren desert land. I ran against the harsh winds, coughing as smoke filled my lungs and wincing at my exhausted muscles. My legs burned with fatigue but I knew I had to press on and hide, before the First Order find and kill me. As the sound of blasters shot loudly through the air I wondered desperately whether my mother was alive...she was all I had. Tears stained my cheeks and my breathing was rough. Why were they here? I thought desperately, bending down to hide behind a sand dune before a cold armoured hand grabbed my wrist. I whipped around in terror as my eyes met that of a storm troopers. My mouth opened to scream, but shut my mouth quickly as the storm trooper held his blaster tightly against my head.
"Keep quiet or I will have no problem shooting right through your skull"
He ordered. I winced in pain, my eyes wide, as it dug into my temple.
"Captain Phasma, there's another young girl here, would she serve a use?"
He asked, calling out to a metallic stormtrooper.
"Let me look at her"
I was surprised to hear a female voice
"Yes, she would do well as a servant. Bring her aboard with the rest"
My eyes widened in utter horror. No! I would rather die than be a servant to the first order. More tears spilled as I hung my head in defeat, whilst being dragged across the sand to the First Orders ship. My muscles burned, and my throat was sore. I couldn't do this.

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