What do you feel?

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It had been a week since I had last seen him, that was when he had disregarded me as just a slave and nothing more. The thought of that tugged at my heart, I felt empty, as if a fire had been put out. I sighed thinking of the longing I feel that was swelling in my body. I folded his newly washed clothes, and placed them carefully in the basket, ready to take them to his room. Once I'd dropped them off I walked back to the small office on the second floor to see if I had any other orders to fill. As I walked a strong voice stopped me in my thoughts
"Watch where you are going, you almost walked into me"
I looked scared at the man infront, it was General Hux. Oh god not this not now.
"I'm sorry General, I was just thinking about the next job I need to do and I wasn't paying much attention to anything else"
I apologised quietly not looking at him. We were stood at a cross section, where many other stormtroopers and workers were walking. I dared a glance up
"That's ok, I can't tell you off for thinking about what you're here to do"
Pig. He really was a pig. He smiled at me jokingly, and I played along with it. It would save me the trouble.
"What's your name"
He said as I began to walk away. I stopped turning back to him.
"That's a pretty name, for a pretty girl"
I laughed at his response, how predictable of a pick up line. Fucking pig. Luckily the laugh came off as playful.
"What are you doing later"
My smile stopped. What? I did not want this to go anywhere.
"Well I finish work kinda late so I'll just need to go back to my bedroom"
I mumbled out hoping he'd get the hint. He grinned mischievously
"Have the night off, I'll sort it out"
I gasped, no I needed to get out of this.
"She is my servant, I decide what she does and doesn't do"
A dark voice boomed over my shoulder, making me flinch as I realised Kylo had been listening to the conversation. Hux and Kylo began arguing between themselves, but my thoughts drowned it out as I felt nervous in Kylos presence.
"Rosie, you'd like me to look after you wouldn't you? Tonight I could take you to dinne-"
I stood froze as Kylo held him against the wall. I gulped, his anger scaring me.
"She is mine to look after"
He hissed.
"I'm not anyone's"
I found myself saying before I could stop myself. I felt indignant, after his tantrum last week he thinks he can just walk back in and claim me as his? No way. I huffed in anger and hurt as I walked away to finish my tasks, and luckily no one followed.
It was once I had showered, and got into bed when I heard him call out to me.
I sat up abruptly at his voice, but lay back down once I'd decided I wasn't going to go to him, I really didn't want to.
Rosie please..don't make me be forceful
I gulped. Sitting still.
You have five minutes or else
He warned. I'm not a child I thought indignantly but stood up anyway, knowing it would be worse if I didn't go. I was only wearing a silk grey night dress, that stopped at the tops of my thighs..but I really was too tired to change, so I went like that. I opened his door, squinting in the dark room. I sat on the bed, knowing that's where he wanted me. A hand reached out and stroked my hair, but I pushed it away, not wanting the comfort. He sighed deeply.
"I'm sorry"
I snorted
"Yeah because you're lonely and need someone to call on"
I muttered. He grabbed my wrist tightly
"I would never use you"
I ignored him and stared at the wall
"I really am sorry, sometimes my anger gets the better of me"
He admitted, making me look at him. That sweetness I once felt came up again, and I fought hard to ignore it.
"I was feeling things..I didn't know what to do, I thought those feelings would make me weak"
Feelings? Feelings of love? Was that what he meant? I gulped and stared at him, trying to understand him. He closed his eyes peacefully
"Do you feel it too?"
"Yes.." I sighed "but I didn't believe them"
"Why not?"
"I thought it was a trick"
He laughed at that then, the sound beautifully filling the room. It felt..nice.
"I meant what I said earlier, you know?"
He said suddenly, eyes opening.
"Which part"
"That you are mine"
My cheeks blushed but I didn't refuse, damn it..he had me.
"I was very jealous earlier, seeing you talk to another man. It made me realise my feelings"
"So you only want me because you saw someone else wanting me?"
I sighed, anger edging at my voice
"No. I want you anyway, I yearn for you, my body longs for yours. But It made me realise that I couldn't push away my feelings, that I had to have you"
I slowly replied
"What do you feel"
He sighed, I could see his thoughts conflicting.
"Get in and maybe I'll tell you."
I gulped nervously
"I only want to hold you"
I felt relief wash over me, and I climbed in, facing him. His lean arm reached around me, holding me close as he smelt my hair, a light moan of happiness coming from his throat. My hand reached for his that held onto me, and I stroked it gently. His touch felt so good, I didn't ever want to move. As I felt my tiredness pulling me into sleep, his voice rang through my mind
I feel love.

Kylo Ren's weakness - a Kylo Ren love story (kyloRenxreader)Where stories live. Discover now