Dark side

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After our steamy shower, he had gone to work whilst I stayed in his room, reading books for a few hours and thinking about us, what we meant together. It was getting late now. A knock brought me out of my thoughts, and I turned to the door to open it. Surprisingly, no one was there, on the floor just a white box with a black bow on it. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, what was this? I picked it up gingerly and brought it in, sitting it on the bed. This couldn't be from Kylo, could it? I know he had been trying hard to be sweet lately but...even this seems too much for him, maybe I'm changing him. I shrugged off that thought quickly and opened the box. My hands found silk, and I gasped aloud. Lifting the dress in the box I felt happiness wash over me, it was so beautiful. It was a long silk, dark grey dress, with a single split on one side all the way up to where my hips would be. I bit my lip taking it in, I could have only wished to have held a dress like this as a servant, I couldn't believe it. At the bottom of the back was a pair of black heels, which matched the dress perfectly. I sighed in contentment as I tried it on, it was stunning, and the split made it look very seductive on my body. I brushed my wavy hair out before pulling it over my shoulder, I knew Kylo preferred my hair down. Looking in the mirror once more as I tried on my heels, I realised how good I actually looked. I giggled in excitement, this day was too good. As I continued staring, another knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I answered it to see a stormtrooper
"You are to follow me"
He instructed, sounding robotic, and I nodded, following his instructions by walking behind him. As we walked down many corridors, we stopped outside a metallic door. The stormtrooper nodded for me to enter on my own, and I did. I immediately saw a small room, with a table in the middle. The table held a candle and a vase of red roses. Kylo was sat on one chair, smirking at me
"Well are you going to come and sit with me?"
I giggled nervously, before sitting opposite him.
"I didn't know you could be so sweet"
"Only for you I am"
He said honestly. I smiled at that, because it was true. He poured some wine into our glasses, and gestured for me to drink.
It wasn't long before we had eaten our meal and drank the bottle of wine. We had laughed quite a bit, which he doesn't do much of often so it's nice to see him finally relax a bit more. His hand reached to take mine as he smiled at me, before a knock at the door interrupted us. Scowling he told them to come in, whispering an apology to me.
"Sir there's a problem in the control room, you are needed immediately"
Said a stormtrooper in a monotone voice. Kylo raised his eyebrows at me and told me in his head that this is why he's so stressed all the time
"Is it urgent?"
"Yes sir, it's imperative you come immediately"
Kylo sighed, standing up and letting go of my hand
"I am sorry, I'll make it up"
He apologised but I shook my head
"It's fine, you've done enough for me as it is, there's nothing to make up for"
I was true, I'd never been looked after so well. He left with the stormtrooper as I stood up and went to go back to my room, it would be rude to go to his uninvited. I walked back down the corridors until I reached my familiar room, and as soon as I got in I jumped straight into bed, the wine making my head spin. I felt sleepiness tug at me as I slowly fell into a deep sleep, not bothering to take off my dress. It was hours later when I was awoken by a dark figure hovering above me. Shocked I sat up, before I heard his familiar voice
"It's just me"
I sighed in relief, of course it was. I moved over, letting him climb in with me.
"Is everything ok?"
"Yeah I guess, I don't see why everything has to go fucking wrong as soon as I'm not there"
He sighed getting angry
"Please don't get mad, Kylo"
He looked at me carefully
"I can do what I want! It's not like you would understand the pressure I'm under"
I shook my head, willing him not to carry this on and ruin the night.
"Why bother spending all that time trying to look after me and have a nice night, if you're just going to get mad and ruin everything. I'd rather not get my hopes up"
I mumbled feeling disheartened
"Don't be so ungrateful!"
"How dare you, I'm being far from ungrateful, you're the one spoiling things with your temper Kylo"
I huffed at him. I felt his hands tighten as he tried to control his anger, but failing as he shouted
"I don't have to take you out! You know I could just leave you and use you when I wanted so don't even go there"
I felt my eyes water, not this, not now after everything.
"Use me?"
I questioned, trying to make him realise what he was saying, but he carried on
A single tear rolled down my cheek as I replied quietly
"I was going to give myself to you completely, but now that all seems so foolish."
His gaze softened a little
"Look I'm just mad I don't mea-"
"I don't care Kylo get out, you've gone too far. I know you can't help being angry but you can help what you say!"
I said as more tears spilled
"Please listen-"
"No! We're done, I can't put up with these mood swings anymore. You get my hopes up then knock them all back down again, it's like some sick game. Leave me alone before I get really upset, Kylo"
Surprisingly he listened to me, and left. I felt so alone, and broken down because of him. I thought we were getting somewhere, I thought we had something. But at the end of the day he was Kylo Ren, he was the dark side, a Sith Lord, and no amount of good from me can change that. I was foolish to think it would in the first place, but I know better now.

Kylo Ren's weakness - a Kylo Ren love story (kyloRenxreader)Where stories live. Discover now