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It was getting late now, much to my annoyance. The longer and longer I've been waiting the more I've been changing my mind. I couldn't settle on what I was happy with, maybe I just needed to try it, and then I would know. Sometimes I just wished things would be normal, but they never would be, not with Kylo Ren. Maybe one day, after all of this it will be normal, a foolish thought I know. Suddenly the door opened to reveal Kylo's tall physique. He stood for a second, staring behind his menacing mask, before taking it off slowly.
"You do realise, if you agree, our relationship will change"
I nod, contemplating the idea of maybe liking the change, but then again I could dislike it.
"But there would still be love?"
It's him who nods this time, with complete certainty
"There would still be love in this utterly confusing relationship. It would be different, wouldn't it, to normal relationships. But maybe I would want that. Maybe I don't need the cuddling and the flowers like most, maybe I need passion underlined with your love in a very confusing way. Maybe that is how we would work"
I mumbled in deep thought, processing my spiralling ideas
"But that's a big maybe, isn't it?"
I finally looked up to see he had gotten closer. I bit my lip, concentrating on his expression
"Is it the only way we would be happy, to be confusing?"
I question, hoping for a response
Kylo mused
"Maybe it'll always be maybe"
We stared for a long moment, sizing up each other almost, analysing the dynamics of this relationship.
"I see you spent a lot of time reading and thinking"
I nodded in agreement, reaching for the papers. He looked at me, waiting for me to say what I thought. I sighed quickly as I read over my notes before starting to talk
"I don't mind being controlled, in fact it's been enjoyable when you've expressed a dominant side, although this is quite extreme. I mean it sounds like it would take up a lot of our lives."
I dare a glance at his unreadable expression
"However, I have my own terms. But if we could agree id like to become your submissive"
Kylo suddenly gasped, obviously shocked at my sudden agreement. Did he not think I would agree? Well, I'm glad to know I've surprised him, it makes me feel confident.
"I accept"
At this a smile plays on his lips, willing me to continue
"Will the safe word always be listened to?"
He nods quickly
"Of course it would, your comfort is my main priority"
Good, I think
"Secondly, on the punishments, I'm happy for you to leave marks, but only if they are not in visible places"
He quickly says, almost as if he's hoping I won't back out
"I must say though princess, I'm surprised not only at your acceptance, but at the fact you are very happy to have thorough punishments"
My confidence peaks
"Well then Kylo, you are going to be very surprised when I ask if we can include belts with the punishment section"
He visibly gulps at that, stunned features staring at me with wide eyes as his arousal begins to grow.
His eyebrows raise
"They look powerful"
"Baby, you don't even know the meaning of powerful"
He growls out, seemingly pleased with my suggestion. My stomach tightens at his voice, but I reprimand myself, knowing I can't get carried away before I finish the agreements.
"Also can we talk about your title?"
I say quickly
"Which one did you like, or do you have another suggestion"
He smirked, encouraging me
"I didn't like master, but I liked sir"
His smirk widens
"No master then, but I can't help but notice you didn't say anything about the last name, why is that baby girl?"
He inquires, knowing fully why I didn't say anything. I blush
"I don't know about that one yet"
His smirk remains, but luckily he leaves that topic alone
"You are to leave to your bedroom now, and by no later than 8:00 in the morning, you must be here, bags packed"
I nod, walking to the door. Just as I'm about to leave, Kylo warns once more
"No later than 8:00, I mean it."
And with that the door is shut.

Kylo Ren's weakness - a Kylo Ren love story (kyloRenxreader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt