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I couldn't believe it, on my fourth day I had been promoted to personal assistant. Was I happy? No, but I felt proud..maybe. It was the first good feeling I've had in days, and after last nights nightmare this is just what I needed. I smoothed out my tight skirt and listened carefully to the captains instructions. I was to clean, bring food, and be on hand to fulfil any other requirements for someone called Kylo Ren
"But you must call him sir, and have the upmost respect, for your own sake"
I pursed my lips in question
"Is he important then?"
I'm sure I have heard the name Kylo Ren from one of the stories my mother used to tell me, I just couldn't place it.
The captain snorted and smirked at me
"You know nothing! Well you will see"
Ignoring his snide comments, I went to start work, and the first thing to do was clean his bedroom.  I walked through the ship until I came across an empty hallway with just one door. I entered the big, monochrome room and started cleaning, once I'd got all the laundry i balanced the basket on my hip and opened the door to go and wash them. I suddenly hit a brick wall-no it was warm.
"Watch where you are going"
A deep, filtered voice hissed menacingly. I gulped, nerves bubbling in my stomach as I peeked up to see who I had run into. My mouth fell agape as I stumbled backwards in shock, confusion, and debilitating fear. My mouth quivered, i had never felt so terrified in my life as I tried to understand the situation. The basket dropped and the clothes tumbled across the floor as I looked at the tall dark figure, identical to the one in my dream last night. I gulped, fear rolling off me
"How..did? I don't-"
A gloved hand stretched out, but instead of touching my cheek like it had done in my dream, a tight force as though I was being strangled wrapped around my neck. I gasped for air as my throat was held tightly. The force, I had heard of this before. Suddenly he dropped his hand and hissed out
"You do not ask questions. You answer to me and that is all"
He shouted roughly
"Do not test me, little one"
He warned deftly. My eyes watered as I picked up the clothes. Gripping tightly onto the basket to steady myself I stepped past him, back into the corridor. The door closed and I leant against the wall, trying to slow my breathing and understand what the hell just happened. I jumped as I heard him shout and something smash, was he having a tantrum?
I can feel your presence and hear your thoughts, get to work now before I come out there and have a "tantrum" with you!
A deep voice warned in my mind. He was powerful with the force, it all made sense now. Kylo Ren, the Sith Lord of course why have I been so stupid! I blushed embarrassed at both the revelations and him reading my thoughts. I briskly hurried away, finishing off whatever work I had to complete.
Soon it was night and I was carrying a tray of food and drink to Kylo Ren's bedroom. I tried to steady my shaking as I worried tiredly of what would happen when I entered his room. My head was sore with a headache from trying to understand and I kept having to stifle yawns as my tiredness and hunger grew, I had been working all day, non stop. I opened his door quietly and saw him sat at a desk, back facing me but his mask was off, I couldn't see his face only black flowing hair. I gulped and coughed slightly, trying to notify him I was here.
"I knew you were coming before you even opened the door"
He sighed
Oh yeah, he was powerful with the force I thought wearily
"I have your food"
I said in a quiet whisper, carefully making sure my voice didn't tremble.
He turned to look at me all of a sudden, and his face was...well he was handsome. He had dark eyes and full lips, matching his dark hair. I didn't think he'd be so young. He watched me for a moment, almost carefully as he took the food from me.
"You can sit down"
He pointed with his now gloveless hands to the bed. My eyes widened slightly as I cautiously sat on the very edge of the Sith Lords bed. I looked down at my hands in embarrassment, fiddling with them.
"You look hungry..tired"
I shrugged, not daring to speak
"Do you eat dinner?"
"Yes" i said curtly "I've just been busy today"
He looked at you carefully once more
"Because of me?"
He muttered. My eyes widened and I looked up, frantically shaking my head
I did not want to get in trouble.
"Don't be afraid.."
There it was, the same as the dream
"Look I'm sorry for earlier, can you just stop looking so scared"
"That's because I am scared"
I bit the inside of my cheek, deep in thought when he suddenly reached forward and touched my cheek. I stared in shock, lips trembling as I started to cry. I am tired and confused, I dreamt this all why was it happening?
"What did you dream"
He asked reading my mind, quietly sitting next to me on the bed. I didn't reply and just wiped away my frustrated tears. Suddenly I felt a push in my mind, I stopped crying immediately staring in shock at Kylo. The memory of my dream played, and he was watching. He stared at me, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I felt a pull towards him. He pressed his lips ever so slightly to mine, in the gentlest of ways, and he sighed deeply as a spark spread through his body to mine, a connection. My tongue darted across where his lips had been, tasting the second they had been there. It was such a small kiss, but it was enough to make my heart pound and cheeks redden. The kiss was sweet, too sweet for a murdering Sith Lord. My head span, only earlier he had strangled me, and the dream and now the kiss? I stood abruptly and rushed to the door, childishly running away to my own bedroom, leaving him shocked. I lay in my bed, heart and head pounding with deep confusion and conflicting feelings.

Kylo Ren's weakness - a Kylo Ren love story (kyloRenxreader)Where stories live. Discover now