Crazy N Love.

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Niall And Louis walk into the club. By now Louis realizes that Niall took him to a Gay Strip Club. The club has no lights other than the red tent over the whole place making this place that much sexier.

"I can't believe you brought me here!",Louis exclaims as they take a sit by the bar. "I am striaght Niall! And I don't want to see naked men!",Louis exclaims as he sits down by Niall. Niall passes Louis a drink.

"Just relax, The shows about to start",Niall says. Then slow piano chords fill the speakers. Spotlights and smog fill the stage.

The slow piano chords make you want the show to start already. Louis recognizes the song. Its "Crazy in love" but it's the 50 Shades of Grey version. Louis thought it was so sexy.

Harry had personally choreographed this dance and changed the normal "Crazy in love" to the 50 Shades of Grey one to make it more sexy. And once the dance started it really was.

Louis almost fell out of his chair when two hot strippers took the stage. They stood on each end of the stage. Both wearing a black bow tie and Black tight spandex.

They started to slowly grin to the music. And as the song continued 2 other hot strippers joined them.

The music was slow making every one of the strippers dance moves slower making the dance that much sexier.

Louis tried to catch his breath as he basically eye fucked the strippers. "Are you sure you don't want to see naked hot men?",Niall mocks.

Louis has never been this excited with Eleanor.  He feels himself starting to get hard but he tries his hardest to calm himself down.

Harry enter the building a few minutes before it's time for him to go on. Henry walks up to Harry and Harry pulls him in for a hug. Henry was like a father to Harry.

"Hey, you parts almost on go "wow" them"Henry smiles. Harry nods. As he takes off his shoes, jacket and sweats. He waits behind the curtain till he hears his cue.

"Got me hoping you save me right now your kiss got me hoping you save me right now. Looking so crazy your love got me looking got me looking so crazy in love",

Harry opens the curtains and a spot light hits him. He could feel all eyes on him and they were.

You could tell Harry was the lead of this dance his outfit differed from the other strippers. He was wearing Red spandex.

Harry walks to the front middle of the stage very sexy like. The other stripers join behind him and they all start grinning in a line to the music. Then the other strippers walked to the back of the stage and Harry started dancing on his own. Being a huge tease.

Louis had lost his shit watching Harry. He didn't even notice Niall left.

Harry looked so sexy. Louis has never seen a more sexier person in his life. Not even Eleanor. And that scared him shit less. He was striaght.

The song had ended all too soon in Louis opinion. He watched as Harry walked behind the curtain.

Louis turned to see Niall just sitting down on the barstool on side of him. Louis had a big problem down there and need a bathroom quick.

Nial had a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey, do you know where the bathroom is?",Louis questions. Niall chuckles to himself. "No need",He responds.

"What?!",Louis asks. "Consider it a birthday gift",Niall smiles.

Harry walks back on stage he has on purple spandex and a pink gift bow on his crouch. He is holding a microphone. "I am having a bit of trouble...",He says with his england accent thick.

No Niall fucking didn't.

"I am looking for a birthday boy but I don't know where he is",Harry says innocently. Niall starts to laugh behind Louis. Louis turns to him.

"Niall! What the fuck?",He asks.
Niall laughs. "You were basicly eye fucking him when he got on stage so your welcome",Niall says. Harry turns. A smile appears on his face.

He walks down the stage and sits on Louis's lap. Harry feels how hard Louis is under him. Harry laughs.

He couldn't believe he got superman hard. Harry was so distracted by Louis that he didn't see a shocked Niall behind him.

Harry started to kiss Louis' neck and bite his ear lobe. Harry purposely grinned his hips onto Louis. Causing Louis to throw back his head in pleasure. Harry loved the way Louis' body responded to him.

Harry continued giving Louis a Lap dance. Harry never really liked lap dances and being so close to a person. But Harry was attracted to Louis and he just wanted to make Louis want him.

While Harry was giving Louis the best lap dance in history even making Niall  hard in his pants. Niall noticed a Paper Airplane hanging from the strippers' neck.

At seeing the necklace he instantly thought of Harry. Maybe this guys just had the same necklace. But then Niall examined the stripper.

Curly Brown Hair, Shinny Green eyes, and a amazing Jawline. The club was dark but Niall had no doubt in his mind that this was Harry.

"I forgot your birthday, but I hope this was good enough",Harry whispers into Louis ear before leaving.

Louis was lost in so much lust. Louis was lost in Harry. But then reality hit him like a motherfucker.

"We need to go now!",Louis exclaimed. Niall nods. Niall didn't feel comfortable here knowing that one of his best friend was now a stripper.

"I agree",Niall says before taking his last shot and walking out the club. Louis was surprised Niall didn't fight him on this. Louis and Niall loaded up in the car and drove off.

Louis just wanted to see Eleanor and Niall just wanted some answers.

Harry walks back stage. "Wow",Henry remarks with a grin on his face. He taps Harry's butt. "Don't touch me",Harry remarks. Henry laughs. "I have never seen you like that during Lap Dances was he your boyfriend?",Henry questions.

"No",Harry scoffs. "I was just in a good mood today",Harry answers. "Uh uh",Henry mocks.

"So you don't like the kid? He was cute",Henry says. "Henry! You know how I feel about people being in my business!",Harry exclaims blushing.

Henry smiles before grabbing Harry checks. "Oh, my boy has got a crush!",He exclaims. Harry wouldn't have let's this continue with anybody else. Harry would have probably punched them in the face and told them to fuck off but Henry was different.

The two have been through so much. Henry lets go of Harry checks. "I don't even know the guy and plus I am probably never going to see him again",Harry answers.

Henry chuckles. "Trust me with the lap dance you just gave him he'll be back",Henry answers.
Causing Harry to blush more.

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