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Harry stands outside of Louis mansion. He regrets even coming here, but it's too late now.. Louis just answered the door. He had a beer in his hand and you can tell he has been drinking.

Louis smiles. "Harreh!",He slurs as he pulls him into a hug. Harry melts into the hug even though he knew it was wrong he couldn't  help how he felt about the small actor in his arms.

Louis starts to kiss Harry's neck. His lips travel up Harry's jawline causing him to moan. "Yea, moan for me.  You don't know how long I have been waiting to see you again. I need to talk now while I am drunk, because that is the only time it seems I can be honest about how I feel about you Harry",Louis whispers.

Harry nods. "Follow me to my bedroom",Louis says as he puts his hand out. Harry takes it. Louis leads Harry safety to his bedroom, then he locks the door behind them.

Louis pushes him against the wall. He keeps his hands around his waist. They are both trying to catch their breath.

"I think, I am gay",Louis says. Harry's eyes widen. "If it weren't for you I would have never known. I am so attracted to you. You cloud my thoughts and no matter what I can't get you out. And I am sorry for everything I did. I just want to start over and be with you",Louis says.

Harry looks at him. He could tell Louis wasn't lying. And Harry felt the same. Harry presses his mouth to Louis'. Louis rubs himself on Harry creating a pleasurable friction. Harry throws his head back as a loud moan escapes his lips. Louis puts his hand over Harry's mouth.

"Hush, or someone is going hear you. These walls are thin",Louis says. Harry nods as he wraps his legs around Louis trying to get closer ,waiting to be closer.  Louis walks backwards and they fall on the bed.

Louis and Harry pull away. "What do we do now?",Harry asks. Louis looks at him and shrugs. "Are you serious?",Harry asks. Louis nods. Harry chuckles and gets up to walk out. Louis stops him. "What did I say?",Louis asks.

Harry chuckles bitterly. "It's what you didn't say. You say you want to be with me but what do you plan on doing?",Harry ask before leaving. Louis follows after him. "Harry, wait why are you so mad?",Louis asks.

Harry turns around. "Because, I don't need this. I don't like to be played with. You are just so...",Harry stops himself and continues to walk. "So what?! Are you to much of a pussy to say it?",Louis yells. The two were starting to draw attention to themselves but they didn't really care, they were pissed at each other.

"Oh, I am the pussy? You have to be drunk to tell the truth!",Harry yells. He was walking around this big ass house looking for a exit.

Fuck this, I am leaving.

"Well, at least I tell the truth! You just get mad and fucking storm off like a fucking 2 year old!",Louis yells. Harry chuckles bitterly to himself.

"What is it Harry? So many people have hurt you so you run from the one person who could care for you?",Louis asks. Harry turns around. Louis had hit a sore spot for Harry.

"Louis don't! You are drunk and I swear to god it you don't shut your fucking mouth right now!",Harry yells. "What are you going to do? Fight me go ahead fuck up my face.  You already fucked up my life. So go ahead at least then my insides will match me outside",Louis spat.

Harry turns around at keeps walking. "Did you now hear me Harry? Fight me!",Louis yells. "Louis fuck off,"Harry yells.

"No fight me! I can take it what you think because I am a small I can't fight?",Louis yells. "Louis, I don't want to fight you",Harry yells. "I want to fight you though, you make me so angry! You just came into my life and fucked everything up! You turned everything to shit!",Louis yells.

"Don't blame me for your god damn problems",Harry yells back. "But that is the thing that gets me so mad I don't even fucking blame you! You fucking bitch!",Louis yells as he kicks Harry in the leg."Fuck!",Harry yells as he falls. "Maybe you shouldn't walk away like a dick when I am fucking talking to you!",Louis yells as he gets on top of Harry.

"Louis fuck! Get off of me!",Harry yells. "No! You got me all fucked up so you are gonna listen",Louis yells. Harry rolls his eyes. "You know I can probably push you off right?",Harry yells. Louis puts his hand over Harry's mouth.

"God damn it. Can you shut the fuck up for a god damn second?!",Louis yells. "You are the most annoying, problematic, and rude little bitch that I have ever met. But, your are also super funny, hot , nice and sweet. But most of all, I think I am falling in love with you",Louis says.

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