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"What the fuck are you doing here?",Harry demands.
"Harry-",Gemma responds.
"Don't Harry me get the fuck out!",Harry yells.
"Harry just please listen-"
"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!",Harry yells.

With tears falling from her eyes Gemma leaves.

Harry slides his back down the wall and cries.

"Louis what the hell is going on!",Eleanor exclaims.

"Look, I need some space",Louis answers.

"Are you breaking up with me?",Eleanor questions.

"I need space to figure that out",Louis answers.

Eleanor takes a step back and chuckles bitterly.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now. It's because of that faggot huh?",Eleanor asks.

"WHAT!",Niall yells from upstairs.

Louis can hear Niall's feet coming down the stairs and then he appears in front of them.

"What the fuck did you just call Harry?",Niall questions.

"A faggot",She smirks.

"Oh, you don't like that huh, I forgot you were a faggot too",She says.

Louis holds Niall back.

"Get the fuck out! When we get back I want all your things gone I don't want to see you!"
Louis exclaims as he takes Niall hand and walks out.

"Where are we going?",Niall asks as they get into the car.

"My favorite donut shop",Louis answers as he buckles his seat belt.

He loves me.
But he has a girlfriend.
Gemma found me and wants to talk about whatever.
I hate her.
I hate him.
No, I hate that I love him.

Harry takes out his phone he calls Henry as he wipes his tears.

"Harry my boy! How is everything?",Henry asks. Harry smiles at Henry's tone.

Henry was the dad Harry never had. He loves him.

"What's wrong son, I can sense something is wrong",Henry says.

Harry cries harder into the phone.

"Get ready I'll be there in 10 we are going to your favorite donut shop and we can talk there",Henry says.

Louis rubs his face as Niall eats his donut.

"What am I going to do, I lost him tonight",Louis groans.

"No you didn't, I know Harry he only forgives when people deserve it. And you really want to love him",Niall says.

"I do, I really do",Louis responds.

"Speaking of the devil",Niall says as he looks out the window.

"What?",Louis asks. "Don't turn around",Niall orders. Louis turns around and see Harry getting out of his car along with Henry.

"Shit!",Louis curses as he runs to the bathroom.

Niall puts money on the table. He needed to have the car started when Louis came out.

He keeps his head down as he walks to the car. Thankfully Harry didn't see him.

Harry's eyes were too clouded in tears.

Harry sits around the table and after Henry orders he sits next to Harry.

Harry eats his donut in silence.

"Gemma's back",Harry whispers.

"What! Oh my I'm sorry Harry what does she want?",Henry asks.

Harry shrugs. "I kicked her out before she could finish",Harry answers.

"What else is bugging ya son?",Henry asks.

"This guy, he is just playing too many games but I really really like him. I just don't want to get hurt",Harry cries.

"Alright son, go into the bathroom,clean your face and calm down",Henry says.

Harry nods as he walks to the bathroom.

He runs water over his face he looks up in the mirror and sees Louis, he was in the same shape as Harry: eyes puffy and heart breaking.

Harry couldn't believe it.

Harry turns around to Louis.

"Harry-"Louis says as he grabs his arm.

"Don't",Harry says as he pulls away.

He turns and walks to the door and Louis grabs his arm again.

"Harry please-",Louis cries.
"No, I- can't",He cries.

"Don't walk out that door",Louis says. Harry continues to walk.

"Damn it Harry",Louis responds as he kicks Harry in the leg.

Harry falls to the ground for the second time tonight because of Louis' curvy legs .

Louis gets on top of Harry.

"I am trying to talk to you",Louis says.
"But you are so god damn stubborn",Louis smiles.

"I'm listening",Harry responds.

"She's gone",Louis states.

Harry's heart melts. "Really?",He squeaks. Louis nods. "Me and Niall kicked her out tonight",Louis adds.

Harry smiles. He studies Louis' face never wanting to forget it.

Louis starts to lower his head.

"Just tell me when we want me to stop",Louis says.

Louis crashes his lips onto Harry's.

Harry' legs wrap around Louis' waist as his hands tangles in his hair.

In that moment, everything was finally perfect.

This moment the boy's would never ever forget, walking blindly into a future neither one of them knew.

Strip Me Of My Badness.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora