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Harry couldn't believe what he just heard. His eyes traveled around the party and everyone seemed to not even notice Louis and Harry.

Louis was losing his mind because Harry still hasn't responded.

"Well?",Louis asks.
Harry can't bring himself to look at Louis.
"I am processing",Harry mumbles.
"Could you hurry the hell up?",Louis asks.
"Why?",Harry asks.
"Why what?",Louis says.

Harry opens his mouth and before anything can leave she walks up.

"Louis! What are doing!",Eleanor exclaims. "Shit",Louis curses.

Harry bites his lip. He knew it. He knew Louis was full of shit.

He pushes Louis off of him stands up and walks out the house with Louis calling after him.

Once Harry got in his car he texted Justin.

"I am coming over".
"Right now?"
"Right now."
"Omg, can't wait".

After reading the last text Harry continues the drive to Justin's house.


Harry rings the doorbell and Justin answers without warning Harry pushes him against the wall and starts to kiss him.

Justin moans. But the moans didn't take Harry there like Louis.

Louis was just drama anyways.

"Have you been drinking?",Justin asks. "No",Harry answers as he grinds into Justin.

He just wanted to forget about Louis and the more he remembered the rougher he got.

Harry started to suck on Justin's neck. Justin liked things rough but this was more painful than what he was used to.

Harry imagined Louis' begging. Begging to be touched. "Beg",Harry orders. "Harry, please fuck. Please",Justin said as he was getting so turned on.

But Harry just couldn't get it up. Harry slammed his hips into Justin's. "Harry, please f-fuck me. I want it",He heard Louis say.

"Fuck",He growled. He started to bite on Justin's ear. He grabbed both his wrist and pinned the to the wall.

Harry was trying so hard.

"Harry- harry stop",Justin says. Harry pulls away and rakes his hand through his hair. He couldn't do it he just couldn't.

"What has gotten into you. You never act like this. It's late Harry. I think you should go",Justin says. Harry nods as he leaves.

He wasn't going to work no matter what his mind and body just wanted Louis so bad.

The car ride to his house wasn't fun for him either.
His mind and body were just craving Louis.

Harry imagined Louis against the wall. This wall in his house. His tiny legs wrapped tightly around Harry's waist. While his tongue explored every inch of Harry's mouth.


Harry parked his car and walked to his house. He was fumbling with the keys as he noticed his house door was wide open.

He stepped inside. "Hello?",He yells. He carefully walks around to house to make sure no one is in there. He gets to his bedroom and opens the door.

The figure turns around.

"Gemma",Harry breaths.

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