Pacify Her.

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Louis,Harry,Justin,Eleanor, Zayn,Niall,Pierre and Robert all sit around the table and eat.

The table was so quite you could hear their forks scratching against the plates. There were so many elephants in the room.

For starters Louis Harry and Justin. Louis was so jealous of Justin and he didn't know why he hated Justin so much considering he didn't know the guy but he just did.

Look at him!!! He is so fucking clingy holding Harry's hand like his life denpends on it! That is so gross! And look at Harry acting like he likes it! Well, I can make him jealous too!

Louis gives Eleanor a small kiss on the lips. He turns to see Harry and he was whispering something in Justin's ear making Justin look real turned on.

Louis rolls his eyes.

Niall on the other hand was just shocked to see Harry so up close. He hasn't seen Harry in ages and there was so much he wanted to talk to him about but he knew here wasn't the place. Harry had really grown up look wise.

(In the orphanage Harry looked like 2012 Harry, now he looks like 2015-2016 Harry)

Harry was hot.

Zayn and Pierre on the other hand had just had a fight because Pierre accused Zayn of cheating on her with a girl named Gigi and he denyed it but of course Pierre didn't believe him.

So that just left the table silent. It was weird for Eleanor and Robert who had no idea why everyone was so quiet all the sudden.

"So Harry, Justin has talked a lot about you glad to finally met you",Robert says. Harry smiles "You too",He answers. "It's nice to meet the boy who my son is spending all his money on",Robert says in a negative tone.

Harry nearly choked on his soup. Causing the whole table to look up. "Tell me Harry what is your job?",Robert questions.

Harry looks at Robert "I am a Strip dancer",Harry proudly says. Niall and Louis respected that Harry was proud of what he was doing and who he was. Louis thought it was amazing Harry could just say that and not give a damn what the other people at the table thought.

Robert chuckles to himself in a bitter tone. "I see, my son is wasting his money on a stripper",He says.

Louis looks at Harry with pleading eyes. Harry's fist were balled he couldn't believe someone was talking to him like that.

Niall didn't know what to do he hated problems.

"Dad, lay off",Justin pleads. "You know what I think, I think that Harry doesn't give a damn about you. He gets paid to be a slut. Harry is just using you for your money. I mean look at all the stuff you bought him already I mean that suit was a lot!",Robert explains.

Harry had enough.

"You know what, I am tired of assholes like you who think you are so much better than everyone else because you have a lot of money. Who the hell do you think you are? You don't know a damn thing about me!",Harry exclaims.

Harry feels disgusted sitting around the table with this people. He picks up his phone to leave but then he remembered something.

Harry started removing the suit from his body leaving him in Black spandex. Louis couldn't help but stare.

"And as for the suit, you can have it! I could buy a better one anyways",Harry says before leaving the table basicly naked.

Short I know but this was just a filler chapter so yea sorry for any errors I was so lazy to fix them!

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