Neon Blue.

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Louis wakes up in his bed pretty hung-over from last night. He was dreaming about the Curly Haired Stripper all night.

He felt arms wrapped around him and in his hazy state he believed that it was the stripper.

He turns and sees Eleanor.

"Morning,"She mumbles. Louis forces a smile. "Good morning",She responds. Louis gets out of bed. "It's time for work babe",Louis says. Eleanor smiles as she sits up in bed.

"I can't believe I am Wonder Woman! This is a dream",She gleams.

Louis smiles fondly at Eleanor before getting into the shower. This is what he liked. This is wanted. Being with Eleanor was safe for Louis right in his comfort zone.

He was happy with Eleanor he was.

"Okay, so in this scene the Joker and Harley Quinn show their love before plotting against Batman",The Director says

After 6 hours of getting into costume they were finally ready to shoot. "I can't be in love with him! He is so selfish!",Pierre scoffs.

Zayn laughs "Diddo",He remarks. "Look, you guys are paid to be in love. Your actors for Christ sake! At like your in love!",The directors exclaims.

They both sigh before getting on set. They both stand on rumble. Zayn holds Pierre by the waist.

"Action!",He yells.


Harry stands in the gym as he pumps weights. After he is done he wipes the sweat off of him. Nothing soothed him more than a nice work out. He continues walking out the Gym.

His phone rings in his pocket. He sees "Gemma" on the caller ID he declines. He hasn't talk to his sister in 2 years and 6 months.

When he first started stripping he was only doing it to take care of himself. He lived with Henry. He had called Gemma and expected her to come get Harry and take him back with her since he had already ran away.

But to Harry's dismay Gemma came up with some bullshit excuse on why she couldn't take him. He felt the same way he did with his shitty parents.

He realized then he didn't need or want people to take care of him. He could do it his damn self.
Since that day Harry took on more responsibly at work and became the best stripper at the best Gay strip Club in L.A.

Harry has took great care of himself and is very proud. He did the one thing people couldn't seem to do , take care of him. People might look down on Harry because of his job but he didn't really give a fuck.

They didn't know Harry, so fuck them.

Harry was very happy with his life. Yeah, he had some regrets but who doesn't.

Harry's phone rings again. "Damn it Gemma! I don't want to talk to you",Harry remarks as he pulls his phone out his pocket.

He looks down at his caller ID. "Justin❌"

Harry rolled his eyes as he declined then he got into his car and started to drive to his job.

He had to go in very early today to get off later.

Justin Moore, man he is a creep.

Justin is 23 and fell in love with Harry after seeing him dance. For 6 months he would come by the strip mall looking for Harry.

He practically forced Henry for Harry's number and would call none stop.

And when Harry didn't pick up he would request private meetings. And here the thing he didn't want Harry to do his job he just wanted to talk.

Harry didn't like Justin at all.
Yes, he is very attractive with his dark hair and green eyes Harry would have no problem fucking him as like a one night stand but Justin was so clingy.

Justin wanted to take care of Harry and he could because he was loaded! Well, his dad was. He was some director. But Harry was the type of person who needed his space... A lot of space.

And Justin just invaded it. Justin tried to hard to make Harry talk about things he didn't want to talk about. Justin stuck his nose in Harry's personal business and he fucking hated that.

Justin made it his personal mission to fix Harry. Harry thought he didn't need fixing at all.

Harry worked hard to be the person he is now and it made him so fucking mad when Justin came into his life making Harry feel like shit.

Yes, Harry was a stripper to get all the nice things he had. But he worked hard for it. And for someone like Justin who didn't have to work for anything and got everything he wanted , to try to fix Harry made him furious.

Harry didn't want someone to fix him he just wanted someone to be there for him. And not leave him when things got tough. Harry wanted and needed a rock.

And Justin wasn't it.

Harry walks into the strip mall. He changes in the dressing room. It wasn't super crowded since it was only 5 p.m. most of the strippers worked after 9.

But Harry took an earlier shift because he wanted some time to himself.

Harry rolls his eyes and curses under his breath after he gets out the dressing room wearing a Police Officer outfit.

"Arrest Me Officer Styles, I have been a naughty boy",Justin flirts.

Justin is looking amazing handsome. Harry is attracted to Justin's looks but who wouldn't?
Because of Harry's slutty nature he just wanted to fuck Justin where he stood.

But Harry would never go that far nor has he gotten that far Harry was a virgin and barely knew how to make out.

Harry just wanted someone he actually loved to take his V- card. Harry is a hopeless romantic deep down I mean his favorite movie was Love Actually for Christ sake.

Harry rolls his eyes at Justin's comment. "What are you doing here Justin ? I am working",Harry says sounding bored. "I want to take you on a date Harry, a real date. We can go wherever you like, as you know money's not a problem and I also bought you this",Justin says exposing a beautiful suit to Harry's eyes.

He was a Black blazer with red pin stripes on it, a black button up and Black dress pants with the same red pin stripes design.

"I want you to wear it tonight",Justin says.

Harry sighs. He was pretty hungry and plus he hasn't been to his favorite fancy restaurant in a while. The place was very expensive but super A - list.

When Harry would go he would always see movie stars, Music singers etc.

Harry bit his lip. "Fine! I want to dine at The Bazzar its a Spanish food restaurant we can go after work",Harry answers.

Justin smiles. "Great! I am going to go set this in the dressing room and then I am going to watch the show",Justin says with a smirk.

"And Cut!!!",The Director yells. The actors step off set. "Great work everyone! As a reward I am treating the main cast to dinner. My son will be dinning at The Bazzar with his boyfriend and I have been wanting to try their food for a while now so we will be joining them",The director explains.

Louis smiles. "I love The Bazzar their Spanish food is so good!",He gleams.

The main cast hasn't ate all day if you count little nibbles on a sandwich in between breaks eating.

"Alright then you guys go get your costume off, go home , shower, dress in something nice and meet me at The Bazzar",The director/ Robert says.

The main cast smiles and says "Thank you" before leaving to change.

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