The Charm

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I kept my hands at my sides as I approached the PIE headquarters. 

What on Earth was so important that 'Ghost had to contact me at 8 Ante Meridiem?

I exhaled, watching the prominent white fog billow around my lips.

It certainly was cold for the season barely having turned to Autumn.

I eventually reached the large building, firmly grasping the handles and entering through the back Postern, entering just in time to see four PIE employee's and a familiar Auburn-haired boy.

"Johny Ghost, Johné Toast, Ciara Cooper, Jordan Roast, Akito Sohta, commendable to see you all at this delightful Morning." I attempted to be polite despite my impolite awakening.

"Dude, seriously, I need a dictionary with me to understand what you say half the time." Ciara pouted, crossing her arms.

"Apologizes, I prefer to sound intelligent." I gave a shrug.

"Anyway, bickering aside, you're probably wondering why I invited everyone here-" Johny started.

"Even though most of them didn't show up." Jordan pointed out.

"Even Ayamei didn't show, which is a shock considering that Akito came." Ciara teased.

Akito hid his flushed face in his arms.

"-That's because I saw this charm on the internet linked to a ghost, and since you guys usually help out, I was hoping we could try it." Johny smiled.

"Sounds fake, sir." Johné spoke.

"Might as well check and see. Say, Tyler, Does this look bad?"

He held up a white paper doll.

I saw a flash of blood staining the doll, then vanishing.




".....Let's do it."

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