When The World Has Collapsed

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"Alright, the Charm States: In order to perform the ritual, at least two to ten participants are needed... Check. With the paper Sachiko doll in hand, everyone needs to gather around in a circle and each individual must grip firmly onto the proxy doll." Johny instructed.

I looked down warily at the parchment, and reluctantly took a firm hold onto the doll, soon followed by the others in the room.

"Alright, Everyone got a tight hold on?" Johny asked.

"Yup." They chanted.

"Let's just get this over with, It's givin' me the willies. And not the good kind of willies." Ciara looked down.

"Okay, now, we set it off by chanting the phrase in your head, 'Sachiko, we beg of you'- Let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six... Six times.. After chanting, everyone holding onto the paper doll pulls it apart, leaving each person with a paper doll scrap." Johny explained.

"What if it fails, Sir? Johné inquired.

"I dunno. It says that there's a bad consequence... Maybe a level 4 will pop out. Try to do it right, I want to see if it's safe to do correctly in case we need to crack down on the wackjob that put it up." Johny explained.

"Alright, now, everyone together now, Sachiko We Beg Of You, Seven Times." Johny repeated.

"Let's do this!" Ciara grinned.

We all held on tighter as we started to count.

Sachiko, We Beg Of You...

I saw a flash of red on the doll again.

Sachiko We Beg Of You...

I saw a flash of scissors covered in blood.

Sachiko We Beg Of You...

A flash of discolored green orbs.

Sachiko We Beg Of You...

A flash of a familiar symbol.

Sachiko We Beg Of You...

My head feels like it's splitting open.

Sachiko We Beg Of You...

My vision is blurred.

Sachiko We Beg Of You...

"Alright, everyone pull!"

I numbly obliged, and soon a small scrap was in my hands.

"Alright, looks like we're alright- Woah, Tyler, you okay?" I hear a voice call.

"Hey guys, sorry we're late- What's with Tyler?"

Another voice.

"Crap, Tyler, snap out of it buddy!"


"Get Tomas and Steve over here, quick!"

A Rumble.

"You called- TYLER!"

"....The Earth Is Collapsing...." I muttered, my vision blurred.

"....Crap, he's doing it again! That's what you get for sticking around Harvenster's for so long- HOLY--"

I felt like I was falling.

I feels warm liquid drip from my shirt, feeling a stab of pain as my vison faded entirely....

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