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I feel the familiar suffocating sensation of darkness all around me. 


This is....

It is impossible that what I was shown happened. 

Someone is trying to tamper with my mind.

And that girl is without my protection at the moment...

I must awaken.

I try to stir, but even opening my eyes is no easy task, a sharp throbbing on the back of my head.


'I am here' I attempt to speak, but no sound comes out.

"Tyler! P-Please don't be dead..."

I feel warmth around me, but the temporary comfort is interrupted by the sound of a growl.

It is back.

A small voice in the back of my head speaks 'We're both dead.'

I do not believe that.


I open my eyes halfway, and see the foul creature before us.

I move to stand, but my legs are weak, not properly holding my body upright, and I feel small hands on my back, attempting to steady me.

"D-Don't try and fight it, please! You can't even stand on your own!" 

I looked down into her large discolored green eyes, seeing concern and fear in them.

I highly doubt either of those emotions are for my well being, I am but only a stranger to this young woman.

But I will humor myself, and protect her.

"I... Will do what I must... Now... Go... Hide..." My voice was soft and shaking.

I felt her warmth leave me, ad I looked up at the monster.

"Now, let us have a fair fight."

I ran at the monster, grabbing the decomposing arms of the beast before it could swing at me, throwing  it off balance and ramming my shoulder into it, aiming to throw it out the window.

I pulled out my dagger, swinging and impaling its eye, causing it to let out an inhuman scream.

"Looks like you have underestimated me."

It began to growl in frustration.

I once more tackled the creature, keeping it off balance and managing to push it into the window.

I grabbed the arms of the beast once more, slamming it into the window panes, shattering the glass.

It howled in agony as it fell out of the window and to the soaked grass below.

I stood there, staring for a moment.

Then the Adrenalin that had been keeping me upright ran out.

Enderborn: RebornOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant