Odd Advances

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I feel the bitter Unyeilding floor replaced with soft warmth, and I had to keep myself from flinching at the unfamiliar touch.

I need to get used to the touch of others, I have been by myself for a bit too long.

"You idiot! You could have died!"

"I did.... What I... Had to...." I struggle to get the words out.
Why am I so shaky around this young woman?
It is so unlike myself to have bad composure....
Note to self: Make sure I still have my backbone.

I feel movement, my limp legs scraping the floor.

Oh no.
Is she carrying me....?

I feel my form shift, my back on something soft.

I opened my eyes, and saw that I was resting on a small cot, and Suzemotto-San was sitting on the other Davenport, red faced and panting from the immense strain of placing me on the bed.

I noticed that she was glancing at me, her eyes gliding over my clothed body, avoiding looking directly at my face, her panting subsided, but her face even redder.

"U-Uh... Tyler... I have to ask you a favor...."


She used my first name? No -Kun or anything? 

....I find it odd she knows Western culture that well.

Ah, as it stands, I will still use her Surname, I wish to be polite.


She squeaked, turning her back to me.

"....?" I tilted my head.

"N-Nevermind!" She spun so her back was to me.


....Are her ears red to?

"Please, tell me what the urgency in your voice is for." I spoke calmly, and with a bit of concern.

"T-T-T... Take your c-clothes off...."


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I feel my face burning at the thought of undressing in front of not only a stranger, but a woman.

"S-So I can bandage your wounds!" She stumbled over her words.


Thank Notch.

I gave a small nod, and began to remove my blue jacket, followed by my orange dress shirt underneath.

I then moved to my lower clothing, and removed my jeans, folding all the clothes neatly beside me.

"A-Are you... You know...."

"Yes." I manage to keep my voice even.

She turned to me, her face crimson as she approached me

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She turned to me, her face crimson as she approached me.

I noticed her eyes were looking other places then my face, and I tilted my head.

"What is the matter? You appear febrile." I spoke.

"N-No! I'm fine! I p-p-promise!" She hurriedly grabbed bandages and rubbing Alcohol, sitting beside me.

She began hastily bandaging my head wound, then my stabwound in the chest, and then a makeshift splint for my leg.

When she had finished, she threw the sheets of the cot over my lower half, hiding the splint and my bare legs.

"...Is there a problem with me being over exhibited?"

I assume that he hastiness can only be due to the thousands of hideous scars that scatter my body, as it is the only logical reason.


It seems all her blood is rushing to her face.

That does not look healthy.

I attempted to sit up, tilting my head quizzically.

"At the moment, I am most dutiable. Would you care to justify your claim?"

Suzemotto was silent.


Well, if she does not wish to speak, she does not have to speak.

"I see. Well, if you wish to stay hushed, I shall not exhort." I laid back down, my eyes closing.

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