Beginning Of Love

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My Oculars focused on a small figure approaching alongside what appear to be two level 4 Spirits.

I saw them stumble to the ground, curling into a tight, shaking sphere.

I quickly Ambled over, leaping over the quivering hurdle and lapidated a carafe of Holy Water at the Spirits.

"Begone, foul creatures." I spoke.

The two spirits just stared at me, before slowly vanishing.

I turned, pirouetting around the person a bit, making sure they were alive before gently pulling the Personage to their feet, soon seeing it  was a petite girl a bit shorter then me with brown hair, and eerily familiar pale green eyes.

"P-Please don't hurt me...." She whimpered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I thought for a moment.
This young lady appears to be very shaken.
I should approach this kindly.

"I will not harm you." I spoke softly in a comforting manner, gently patting her head.

She looked up at me, her eyes shining with tears as she threw her arms around my torso, sobbing into my chest.

I stood there for a moment, stunned, then gently put an arm around her, the other rubbing her back in a pacifying fashion.

"There there, you are safe, and from now one, for certain, I shall not leave you."

And So I Begins.

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