Fabricated Fear

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I recognized the style of the coat. I recognized the dangerous air around them.

The only thing I was unfamiliar with was the person.

But I knew well enough that whoever they are is definitely not here to assist us, so I quickly pulled Suzumotto behind me, grabbing my daggers from the sleeves of my jacket.

I felt her face burry into my back, the warmth filling me with a determination to protect her.

"Who are you?" The words fled my lips. I knew it was an absurd question, but I still asked.

Although, they seem to be very narcissistic from how they are carrying themselves, they might answer in a high and mighty fashion. Or just say the clichéd 'I am your worst nightmare' and attack us.

The figure walked in our direction, and I quickly maneuvered to hold one dagger In a throwing position.

If they take one more step, I have a clear shot.

They started to take that final step-

I felt a jolt of pain run through me, and I fell into my side on the bed, gripping my stab wound.

My dagger had been knocked from my hand, and the person now had blood on their gloved hand from punching my wound.

I could not see Suzumotto's face from my current angle, but I could hear her gasp.

I tried to get up, but I froze.

I felt a hand on my head, and I felt another vision dominate my view.

I saw Akito.

He was chained to a table soaked with blood.

He was sobbing, wailing out apologies to no one in particular for every small discrepancy and mistake he had ever made as the figure that bludgeoned me before took out a pair of pliers.

Don't you dare hurt him, he has a little sister-

Wait, no, I said that incorrectly-

I was interrupted by Akito crying out apologies to aforementioned girl.

"Aki, I'm sorry I've been such a coward and idiot, I love you! I'm sorry for teasing you all the time! I'm so sorry!" He started to choke down sobs.

I attempted to rush in and save him, but it wasn't going to happen. My limbs were leaden and unmoving.

The beast forced a screaming Akito's mouth open and grabbed his tongue with the pliers. He yanked and yanked on it as if trying to pull it out-"TYLER!"I was jerked out of the disturbing image to see discolored green orbs above my own.

I could feel myself shaking violently along with a gentle grip on my shoulders.

I looked around and saw the figure was gone and that I had fallen to the floor.

I then felt another jolt, but one a lot more pleasant.

Suzumotto was hugging me.

I slowly moved my arms around her waist and held her trembling frame.

"What did you see?" She asked quietly.

"Nothing of importance." I answered in a weak voice, trying to clear my head.

Whoever is doing this somehow knows who I care about and is trying to get A stir out of me. Not to mention that they managed to dig up some buried memories earlier... I tried so hard to forget about the odd term for clothes... I tried so hard to forget all the people that have left me... But if they were able to stir those buried memories, I doubt that these visions will stay focused on those I know are alive...

As I pondered this, I noticed that Suzumotto was nuzzled close to my torso, a calm expression on her face.

At least she is calming down, although I am not exactly sure what is calming about our current situation. Eh, to each their own.

Although, now that I ponder it, these attacks have been mostly been focused on me... 

Thankfully... I am used to such attacks. But I doubt Suzumotto is.  I need to make sure that they stay focused on me. I have been through the flames of hell, but her? If anything too intense happens it could damage her psyche.

But I also cannot protect her very well as I am now... But I certainly will try to.

Bring it on Tenjin.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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