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Michael Clifford

Michael was standing in the doorway of Allison's bedroom (and once Luke's, but not anymore - and Michael just loved that) watching as she slept. Her face was scrunched up, as if she was having a bad dream and Michael frowned as he walked over to her.

She started to whimper in her sleep, and Michael laid in bed beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist and she instantly relaxed and turned towards him. She kissed him, though she was not exactly conscious and he chuckled as scrunched her face once again.

"I had a nightmare." She mumbled, her eyes opening and Michael frowned as he looked down at her. He had grown immense feelings for her in the past few months, it was indescribable.

"I had a dream I was dying, and you were forced to do something that you hated. It was so hard hearing you upset, all because of me." She whispered, her eyes sad and Michael shook his head as he kissed her forehead.

"Well that is not going to happen Allison," He spoke, hoping that his tone didn't waver as he swallowed and she smiled as she nuzzled into his chest. "I will protect you no matter what."

She kissed his cheek quickly as she closed her eyes once again, "I really like you." She whispered, and Michael sighed as he tightened his grip around her body, and rested his head against hers.

Well you shouldn't, he thought in his head, not daring to say the words out loud because he knew the effect it would have on Allison. She's already lost so much in the past two years, he couldn't stand to think of how this would affect her as well.

First she lost her parents, and Michael so loved whenever Allison would speak about them, she to how happy she was whenever she retold stories from the past.

Then she lost Luke, and while Luke did not deserve to have her, it was still heartbreaking for Allison to go through it all. She thought Luke was someone that she could trust and rely on through her life, but he's proven her wrong.

And lastly, she's going to lose Michael. Once Michael is forced to take her life, there's no way that Allison would even want to see him or speak to him ever again.

That thought alone made Michael feel extremely guilty, and also upset. At this moment, he wishes that he wasn't a Shinigami. He wishes that he was a mortal just like Allison, because he thought that the two of them would be perfect together.

But he knew that even if he wasn't a Shinigami, that it was time for Allisons life to be over, and at least now he has the opportunity to have grown close to her and to have her open his eyes and see the beauty in the world, instead of all the ugly.

"Michael," Allison whispered, opening her eyes once again and she looked up, a hint of a smile on her lips as she found him looking at her already, "when I die, will you be the one to take me?"


"No, Michael I just want to know. I don't want to know when I die or anything, I just want to know if you'll be there." She said, pulling away slightly and Michael sighed as he nodded.

"Yes, I will be there to help you transition." He answered, and she was pleased with his response as she closed her eyes once again. Michael was basically her pillow, as her head was on his chest and her legs tangled with his own.

"Do you promise?" She mumbled, her eyes still closed and Michael took a deep breath as he played with her hair, watching as she slowly relaxed and grew more comfortable.

"I promise." He replied, knowing that this was the only promise that he could ever make to Allison.


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