Chapter 4

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The scream is what startled me awake, the thud on the ground made me cringe, which in turned made the cuts on my stomach hurt even more. I would like to know who in their right mind attacks someone from behind when they are unarmed.
"Alex? Are you okay?" I heard June asked and I opened my eyes, only to be blinded by the light hanging from above.
"I think so," I replied and tried to sit up. "Ow."
"I would lay back down if I were you," a calm voice responded.
"Well you aren't her, so let her do what she wants," Danny growled and I rolled my eyes at her.
"What happened after I was pummelled to the ground?" I asked and June looked away.
"We were attacked by those four Ninjas," she explained and my eyes widened. "Danny and Felicia came to help and we ran from there, heading to the safe spot. We got to the safe spot only to see it was crawling with Foot goons and Purple Dragons."
"We didn't want to fight but we were seen," Danny interjected and I held my breath. "We had to fight, without you leading us. It was a very strange fight."
"What do you mean?" I breathed and Felicia jumped up from the ground.
"We turned into turtles," she said, so casually and my mouth dropped open.
"Yeah, it was really cool," she grinned and I glanced at the other two, whom both nodded in agreement with Felicia.
"Okay, so let's say that it did happen," I said and held my hand up to stop Danny from interrupting, "how is it possible?"
We all turned to June whom in turn looked at us, equally confused. The sound of someone clearing their throat sounded and we turned to Grandma and Granddad, who were standing behind Splinter.
"Maybe it's time we told you truth," Grandma said and Splinter looked at her.
"What do you mean?" Danny asked and Granddad moved behind my three cousins.
"Maybe it's best you all sit down," he said and the girls sat down next to me.
"Um, if you don't mind," the clam voice from before spoke up and we turned, to which my eyes widened. "I would like to take a look at the bandaging, just to make sure it's been applied correctly."
Nodding my head slowly, the purple banded turtle gestured for me to stand to which I did and he rolled my shirt up to see half of the bandaging.
"Girls," Grandma started and I lifted my head to see her sitting on the coffee table. "About thirty five years ago, we stumbled across Master Splinter and the turtles behind you were only a year, maybe two years old and Grace was with us but, five years later, Grace was taken from us in the middle of the night. We didn't stop looking for her for ten years but we eventually came to the conclusion that she was taken from us permanently."
"As in, someone, you know," Danny made a slicing motion across her neck with her thumb and Granddad nodded.
"We feared the worst but two years later Grace finds us and she had Haidley, Sophie and Rosie with her," he added in. "Four years passed and your dads were sent to Japan."
"Why?" Felicia asked and our grandparents turned to Splinter, who looked down.
"I'm sure Alex would know from Raphael's journals," he said and his black eyes shifted to look at me.
"Raphael's journals?" I responded and he nodded. "Wait, you mean the ones that state, Raphael and his brothers were sent to Japan to finish their training. The ones who were friends with April O'Neil and Casey Jones? The ones that say you are their dad?"
"Those are the ones," Splinter confirmed.
"But didn't Sahara come from Japan saying they had died in battle?" I continued and the girls looked at me. "Splinter showed me the letter from the Four Masters."
"And I believe you know where that is," Splinter stated and I nodded. "Why don't you read it out to everyone?"
I nodded again and made my way to the kitchen, reaching up into one of the cupboards, forgetting that it is on the top shelf.
"Need a hand?" a gruff yet familiar voice asked and I turned to look over my shoulder to see the red banded turtle in the doorway.
"Please?" I smiled and he looked away.
"I'll give you a leg up."

"Master Splinter,
So much has happened since the first day the turtles arrived on our door step.
We started off believing they would never complete their training and only one did. We regret to remind you of the death of your youngest son, Michelangelo, in 2010. The collapsing of a building on top of him. The building was indeed old and was ready to be reconstructed but the fight started before the reconstruction could begin and Mikey paid the price.
"With deep regret, we wish we had encouraged your sons to continue to write back home but they insisted on continuing their training but Raphael never forgot to write in his journal each day. We are sending back nine more, you should have a dozen collected.
"Raphael was the next to pass, on in 2011, suffering an illness that we never found out about until it was too late to cure. Donatello felt guilty for he was the first to see signs of the red-banded turtle getting sick.
"The purple-banded turtle worked for days on the blood samples he got from his brother before he passed away, trying to figure out a cure as if he were still alive.
Raphael fought like he was the last one standing in every battle we faced with the Foot Clan, whom were getting stronger as the turtles did. Leonardo did everything he could to help Donatello face the guilt that was slowly eating him.
"Donatello wouldn't eat nor would he sleep, he was in a zombie like trance. Not even Sahara, bless her kind-hearted soul, could help him. Donatello died in a test run on one of his newest creations, a dune-buggy. Leonardo found out Donatello may have purposely tweaked his own buggy to lose control and roll over a cliff with a massive drop that one, not even one of the Masters, could survive.
"Leonardo was torn apart, the last Mutant Ninja Turtle. Without his brothers by his side, we knew he would die with honour and he did, in 2014. He died in battle, fighting to save a woman holding onto her two children, no father present to save his family. Leonardo jumped in, counter attacking the Ninja's sword. The family escaped.
We are very sorry for your loss.
Quing-Ma, Rosala, Sahara, Tahlya," I read and looked up to see Splinter staring behind us.
The girls and I turned to see the purple and red banded turtles with two more turtles, one being orange banded and one being blue banded.
"What is wrong with this picture?" Danny asked and Felicia jumped up.
"They have the same bandannas we do," she grinned cheerfully and I nodded in agreement.
"But what's confused me is that, in Raphael's last journal, there is an entry from two thousand and twelve I think," I said.
"I hope that one day, I can officially meet you my daughter," the red banded turtle said and I frowned at him, the others all looking at him in confusion. "I have been watching over you and your cousins, making sure you are all okay. Forgive me for not being there. This entry is secret, I am telling you this. I am still alive. When you see this, it might be six years from now, so don't get your hopes up."
"How did you know that?" the short haired brunette asked.
"Because he is Raphael," I breathed and the turtle nodded.
"I thought I told you not to sneak down here," the blue banded turtle said, glaring at Raphael. "Why would you do that?"
"I couldn't sit back and let them think we had abandoned them," Raphael retorted, folding his arms across his chest. "Besides, we were there helping them when the Foot blew up that house."
"But how do we fit in to all this?" Danny asked.
"Because, Raphael and Grace got married and Alex was born," June answered and I stared at June like she had two heads.
"Seriously?" I asked and Grandma nodded.
"Donnie?" Grandma spoke up and the purple banded turtle lifted his head. "Do you remember what you wanted to call your daughter?"
"Felicia Jane," he answered, frowning, "why?"
"Dad?" Felicia whispered and 'Donnie' looked at her.
"Donatello, this is Felicia, your daughter," Splinter introduced and Felicia raced over to him, wrapping her arms around the turtle with the Bo Staff.
Donnie looked down at the girl hugging him, studying her face. He looked at his brothers, before staring at us.
"Felicia looks so much like Rosie, Alex looks a lot like Gracie," Donnie mumbled and wrapped his arms around Felicia, hugging her tightly.
"Alex," Raphael said and I ran over, hugging my dad tightly. "I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," I whispered, a tear sliding down my cheek. "You're here now."
"Leonardo," Splinter said, "this is Dannielle, or Danny, your daughter. Michelangelo, this is June, your daughter."
The sound that filled the lair was the sound of feet running and a door slamming shut as someone left.

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