Chapter Seven

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[Liam's P.O.V]

I ran after Layla. Even from behind she was gorgeous. Not in the same way Danielle is but in a way that is all her own. Layla has this way about her. This sorta essence. The way she talks and smiles just makes you want to smile. Every time she cries and you know it's your fault there is this terrible feeling that builds up in your throat and you want to beat the crap out of yourself. I don't know if it because she's so fragile looking with her small yet curvy frame and her long hair that makes her look even shorter or if she's just that kind of person the kind of person that is friends with everyone. But whatever it is that makes her so alluring and irresistible, its pulling me to her. Not only me but Niall but I don't even want to talk about that.

Once I saw Layla go into her flat and slam door I knew I was screwed and would end up sleeping outside her door, which in London isn't exactly the safest thing. I slumped down outside her door. "Lays, it's Li. Let me in. Please. I'm sorry."

"Screw you." I heard her sob.

I swallowed the lump building in my throat, "Please Lays, I'm really sorry."

"Shut up and go away."

"No. Layla... um what's your middle name?" I chuckled.

"Eve. Why?" Layla said laughing faintly. She sniffled.

"Layla Eve Williams, please, oh please, let me in." 

"No. You humiliated me today. I can't believe you punched Niall like that! We were just kissing!"

"Layla do you like him?"

"Who Niall. Sure, he's a cool guy."

"You know what I mean Lays."

"Maybe. I don't really know."

"Just do lead him on. Niall's a good guy," I said my voice cracking. Was I really defending the guy who was trying to take Layla from me?

"Then why are you so bitter towards him," Layla whispered so softly I almost missed it.

"I honestly don't know. I have no clue. It just happens."

"Sing to me Li." Layla opened the door, and smirk. She wiped away her remaining tears. "Didn't I say to sing to me? Get in here." Laughing she tugged on my sleeve.

I walked into her flat and stood on her counter. "Any requests from my lovely audience?" Chuckling I motioned towards Lays with my hand like a magician.

"What song reminds me of you?" Layla asked.

"Got it!" I clapped and cleared my throat. " I wanna be drunk when I wake up on the right side of the wrong bed and never an excuse I made up. Tell you the truth I hate what didn't kill me it never made me stronger at all. Love will scar your make up lip sticks to me. So now maybe I lean back there wishing I was sober. I know I'll never hold you like I used too."

"Drunk." Layla started laughing. After awhile Layla just ended up opening her mouth and taking awkward breaths with tears streaming down her face.

"Hey are you?"

"That's freaking hilarious. I couldn't breathe I laughed so hard. Good one Liam!" Layla continued laughing.

"But no that's not really the song that reminds me of you," I stuttered trying to get my words out. "It's actually another song by Mr. Edward Sheeran by who he way in person looks like his head is on fire." Layla laughed again and I continued, "Can I sing it for you?"

"Of course," she smiled.

"\Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me, and hold me in your arms. And your lips pressed to my neck, I'm falling for your eyes but they don't know me yet. And with this feeling I forget I'm in love now."

"Liam where are you going with this..?"

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved. You wanna be loved, you wanna be loved." I did what any rational person would do when they had the most beautiful girl in the world's attention I kiss her. The kiss was warm and her lips tasted like pearls and were as soft as rose petals. Her face was hot from her blushing. I place my hands around her waist and pulled her as close as I could to me.  I pressed my lips to her neck and then placed them back on her lips. Her body melted into mine and her arms wrapped around my shoulders. Then Layla pulled away from me. She looked me right in my eyes with fierce passion and then broke down again. She went into the kitchen and found a bottle of Corona she chugged as much as she could and then put the bottle down. Tears streamed down her face and then she shot me the most confusing look I've received. It was a mixture between a look of disgust and a look of love.

"Lays, I..."

"Save it," She cut me off and went into her room and laid in her bed I could hear her crying.

I turned on the T.V and took in as much as I could before the guilt welled up inside me. I couldn't take it. After turning off the T.V. I walked into Layla's room. She was asleep but small tears still left her eyes. I closed her blinds and flicked off the light. Softly I picked up the covers next to Layla and curled up next to her. I placed a kiss on her collarbone "It's going to be ok, Layla I promise."  With the warmth of Layla's body next to mine I fell over the edge of consciousness and into Layla's arms in my dreams.

Misdirections- A Liam Payne and Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now