Chapter Ten

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Awwwww! Niall bought Layla a puppy last chapter! How cuteeeeeee!!!!!! How can she possibly resist Niall now? After this chapter she might have bigger things to worry about than just which guy to pick! Ah! Keep reading to find out why! Love you guys! ~Lily Bea

Liam's P.O.V-

When I opened my eyes I was in Layla's flat. She was sitting next to me on the couch looking at me with a look of pure relief. "Oh thank goodness you are okay!" Layla smiled she hugged me.  I hugged her back and pulled her on top of me. "Of course I'm okay just a little black eye that's all and I'm just a little sore in my neck."

"Don't ever scare me again like that!" Layla shouted.

"I wont," I said with a grin, "I promise." I loved being this close to her. She was so beautiful and charming. I kissed her neck and she sighed and smiled.

"Li, can I atleast clean you up before you get all hormonal on me?"

"Ugh I guess," I chuckled. She got up and went into the bathroom. Layla brought back a first-aid kit with her. She got out the rubbing alcohol wipes. She sat on my lap and cleaned my bruising eye with the wipes. Then she layered on antibiotic ointment. "Do you put a Band-Aid on a black eye?"

Laughing I replied," No I don't believe so darling."

"Darn they have a batman Band-Aid....."

"Wait! Wait! I think I have a cut somewhere." I lifted up my shirt and I pointed to a small cut on my lower collarbone. "See."

I heard Layla gasp and then giggle as she put the batman bandage on my miniscule cut. "I think that's it unless you have anything else I can fix. Oh wait there might be one thing." Layla leaned in and kissed me. Not softly either. She kissed me with warm, blossoming passion. Her lips softer and fuller than I remembered. Layla's porcelain skin smelled sweetly and intoxicating. I was beginning to become dizzy. The way she touched me made my hair stand on end. Her hands running along my bareback, her bare fingertips moving to explore my abdomen. I pulled her as tightly as I could. My hands finding the bottom hem of her shirt before my eyes could. My lips made their way along her neck. Once they reached her collarbone I looked up to meet Layla's eyes. I gave her a questioning look nodding towards her room. She smiled and I picked her and carried her to the bedroom.

Layla's P.O.V

I woke up next to a very naked Liam, and smiled. I had no regrets. That was what I wanted. Liam. I looked at the alarm clock. Five AM. I curled up closer to Liam and fell back asleep.

There was a little boy standing in front of me that looked exactly like Liam as a toddler except he had my eyes. He reached for something. I looked up and saw Liam take hold of  the little boy's hand. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. A little girl that looked like a spitting image of a toddler Ruth grabbed my hand. This little girl even had the same bright blonde hair. "Come on Mommy! Daddy said he'd take us for ice cream!" But she wasn't pointing to Liam she was pointing to Niall who was now holding the little Liam's hand. I blinked and the scene changed.  I was very pregnant the veins over my pregnant belly were very prominent. A hand was pressed to my stomach it was Niall's. We were sitting in an ultrasound room. Liam stood at the back looking concerned. The doctor looked back and forth from Niall to Liam. "I assume your the father," the doctor said to Niall. Liam jumped from where he was standing.  "No I am. He's just the boyfriend."

When I got up again it was nine and Liam was gone. My head was pounding. What was that dream supposed to mean? I shook it off  I sprang out of bed and went to look for him. He was in the kitchen making eggs.

Without turning around he said," I thought I'd return the favor."

"Thanks love." I went up behind him and went to hug him. He turned around too.

"Lays, you know not that I mind that your not wearing clothes but I think there is a law that you have to." 

"This is my flat though."

"Well I guess then you don't have too." 

"But I will, that way you'll take me seriously." I went back into my room and put on Liam's sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. When I went back into the kitchen Liam was at the table eating eggs. "So Liam can I ask you something?"

"Sure you can."

"Did you know you were my first?"

"You mean you were a....?"

"Virgin. It's not a bad word."

"Layla, I'm so sorry I didn't know you were a... that you've never....."

"It's alright I just wanted you to know."

Liam came up behind me and picked me up. "Well, are you glad I was your first?"

"Of course." My phone buzzed.

 Heyyy! I got you a present! SO sorry about yesterday! Can't wait to see you. Love you Lays! Your gonna love what I got you. ~Niall xx

Can't wait to see you too Niall! Super excited! You always have the best presents. When are you coming over? ~Layla

An hour! Love you! ~Niall

Love you too! ~Layla

"Liam we need to pick up this house make it look like last night never happened," I speedily said.

"Why?" Hints of confusion and anger lingered in his voice.

"Niall's coming over."

"Why can't he know?" Liam asked obviously hurt.

"I don't want to hurt him by telling him. I love him too Liam."

"Oh do you? Never mind I don't wanna even know.  Forget it. I just want to act like it did happen right now while Niall isn't here." Liam brushed my hair behind my ear and kissed me passionately. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him. Breaking the kiss I snuggled up next to Liam and turned on the T.V to Friends. My favorite episode the one where Ross gets Rachel pregnant.

Misdirections- A Liam Payne and Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now