Chapter Nine

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Niall's P.O.V-

When Layla's broken hand was wrapped up and taken care of I could finally breathe. I was so worried even if her hand was just broken I was still worried and a deep pit of guilt was building in my stomach. It was my fault she punched the wall I mean after all she got worked up all cuz' I gawked at her robeless body. But hey can you blame a guy? I mean, God Lays is absolutely gorgeous.  She has the small frame that adore yet all of those perfectly porcelain curves. Just thinking about her made me hungry, not in the way I normally was but in a whole new way I've never experienced.

"Lemme help you with the door," Liam said. I smirked and winked at him and ran to the car door and opened the door before he even got to the car.

Layla glared at me like I had just pushed her into the giant rain puddle on the street. A stinging feeling of guilt and pain rolled over me. Shit, what did I do? I ran back to her and kissed my way up to her ear. "What is it, lovely?" I whispered into her ear. I felt her smile on my lips that were pressed to the side of her face.

"Why do you guys always have to be so competitive like this?" Layla asked.

"You want the honest answer?" I asked my eyes looking into hers.

"Because we love you," Liam said. 

I growled and moved Layla out of the way. "Do YOU?"  I balled my fist. It was gonna go down. Who the heck did this prick think he was?

"I, Liam Payne, do. Do YOU?" Liam said

"Oh it's on you little.... of course I do." I ran at Liam and jumped on his back. Liam grabbed my hair and flipped me over. He wiped his hands on his jeans, "Got enough grease in your hair for God's sake Niall!" "I use a normal.." and I was cutoff as Liam grabbed my shirt and got in my face. I mustered all the wind that hadn't been knocked outta me and I slammed my fist into Liam's jaw. He yelled out in pain. That's when I saw Layla's green eyes staring at me.

Layla's emerald eyes were full of anger and astonishment. She couldn't believe that I had just knocked Liam unconscious and quite frankly neither could I. I couldn't look at her anymore. Her face made tears stream down my face. No way could she see I was crying. I didn't cry I was always happy. Happy Horan. Not Negative Niall, but I couldn't help it. I started walking towards my flat; away from my problems; away from the girl I love. My brain was on overdrive, I couldn't think straight.

I decided to go a different way home. There was a sign that caught my eye: Did you screw up big? Make it up to him or her with a unique and adorable gift, while saving a life.  A shelter dog! Layla loved those kinds of causes, I dropped three hundred dollars into a donation can and then looked around the kennels for the dog that was the most in need. Then I found the perfect one in the last kennel. A sign on the dog's cage said to be euthanized tomorrow. Looking down my eyes were met with a of sad big brown eye. The dog was a black retriever (golden retriever/ black lab mix) he was scrawny for how big his bones were. He had cuts on his sides and he was missing one eye. I almost started crying. He was unnamed unlike all of the rest of the dogs. I wanted this one Layla would love him. I yelled for someone who worked at the kennel.

A woman in pink scrubs came up to me. "Is this the one you would like Mr.Horan?" She asked a questioning tone to her voice.


"Are you sure?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Never been more positive."

"Well he will be 50 dollars since no one has wanted him for so long."

"Fifty dollars?" I almost punched this woman in the face.

"Yeah I mean look at this ugly mutt."

"Why the hell do you work here if you think this innocent creature a victim of abuse is ugly?" I spat. I slapped a two thousand dollars in her hand.  "This is how much this beautiful animal should cost. Where do you keep the leashes?"

Weakly she pointed to the wall to my left.

"Thanks." I opened the dogs kennel and picked it up and grabbed a leash and collar for him and left.

"What should I call you?" I looked into his eye and smiled. He was so beautiful.  Then it hit me, "Eli, I'll call you Eli." It was the name of Layla's grandfather who had fought against cancer and won, who had just died a few years back from old age. "Come on Eli! Let's go to Daddy's tonight, then you can meet Mommy tomorrow." Eli's ears perked up at his name and he barked softly. I began carrying home with a proud feeling in my chest. I had saved a life and was going to win back the girl of my dreams.

Misdirections- A Liam Payne and Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now