Chapter Eight

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Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile!! I was super busy!! I'm on vacation so I'll probably be able to type up two more chapters! Thanks for the reads and votes guys! I'm glad you like it! ~Lily Bea

[Layla's P.O.V.]

I was in Niall's warm embrace. His hands cupped around my face. Progressively his lips moved closer to mine. A fire burned inside my heart and made me want more. I ran my fingers through his silky blonde hair. He smiled and deepened the kiss intertwining our bodies. I smiled back and continued kissing him. He pulled away and I opened my eyes. But it wasn't Niall I was kissing it was Liam. For some reason this made my heart enflame more. Liam reached for my hand, I reached out my hand to grasp his.

I woke up with a jolt. What the hell was that?! Did I have feelings for Niall? Were my feelings for Liam stronger than I thought? I groaned and shoved my head into a pillow. Why did this have to be happening to me? Deciding to do more than mope today, I tried to move from my bed but couldn't. Looking down I found Liam's arm tightly laced around my waist. Oh shit. What happened last night. I didn't remember anything besides images of Corona and kissing Liam.

"Stay with me Layla," Liam sleepily muttered.

"What happened last night Liam?" I asked my voice somewhere between threatening and gentle.

"Nothing. I kissed you. You got pissed and started crying and basically becoming a borderline alcoholic. You know the usual." Liam chuckled softly.

"Oh so we didn't?" I motioned to the bed while clearing my throat.


"Okay." In the back of my mind I thought of what it would've been like. Liam's strong shoulders and his defined abs. I smiled and blushed softly. But as soon I felt the warmth spread across my cheeks I  mentally slapped myself; He's my best friend's boyfriend for God's Sake! Loudly I groaned and covered my face with my hands, shaking my head.

"What is it Lays?" Liam asked concern rang in his voice.

"Nothing! Why do you care? Your always in my business!," I spat. Then I regretted it as soon as I saw the wounded look on Liam's puppy dog face. I couldn't decide if I was angry, sad or hurt. So I did what I did whenever I was confused, I changed into a robe and got into the sauna that was built into my bathroom.

The sauna was relaxing as soon as I entered the small wooden room. I smiled and took a deep breath. It was so nice to just be alone and away from everything. I closed my eyes and turned on the radio. A Demi Lovato song came on as soon as I heard the lyrics: "I'm wide awake and so confused," I changed it. I didn't need to think about confusion. The next song that came on was Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson. I started thinking about the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen: Liam's. The way they captured my attention and took my breath away last night before he kissed me. As soon as I snapped out of my haze, I changed the station, that's enough of that. I heard the first few notes to Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana and grinned. I stood on the bench of the sauna, and began playing some pretty good air guitar if I do say so myself. But I got a little carried away and accidently untied my robe during the guitar solo. Just then the door creaked open. It was Niall and Liam, both of them with their mouths wide open and their eyes staring at my bare skin.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted. "GET OUT!!!" My face bright red. I was pointing at the door and giving both of them a disapproving look.

"Um... Niall came.... you know....looking for you and I heard you go into the I just I just you know...... thought I would bring him here... Wow...." Liam muttered. Niall shook his head in agreement.

"I was relaxing why didn't you just tell him I was busy?"

Niall swallowed deeply," I convinced him to let me in..... I ummm.... I swear. But I didn't know you were.... ummm..... naked."

I blushed when I realized I hadn't retied my robe as soon as they got here that I was still standing in my full glory in front of the two of them.  Retying my robe I said," Oh. I'm sorry I flashed you guys like that. It was accidental but you shouldn't have come in without knocking."

"It's okay," they both said at the same time and Liam even had the balls to wink at me.

I balled my fists and punch the sauna wall. I was so angry! Why would he freaking wink? Those perverts just staring. Ughhh..... boys! When I was finished mentally ranting I looked at my hand. It hurt to move it, and it was black and blue. One of my fingers even looked crooked. I started crying.

Both Liam and Ni rushed to my side. "Are you ok. love?" Niall said his voice worried and deep.

"Uh of course she isn't!" Liam yelled. "Are you dumb? She just punched a solid wood wall!"

"Are you dumb? Why do you like her so much? You've got Danielle! I'm alone Liam! Freaking alone! I have no one! You won't even let me have Layla, when you've got Danielle! Stop being an asshole Liam! Just let me have her!" Niall screamed back. His fists were clenched and he was clearly mad.

"Shut up Niall! You don't deserve her! And who says I'm still dating Danielle?! I told her to go dance again so I could make breaking up with her easier! I broke up with her for Layla!" Liam yelled, "And you aren't alone! Are you crazy all of the girls love you!"

"Not the one I want to!"

"Layla. Who do you love?"

I didn't respond and continued crying and holding my injured hand.

"See she didn't respond! She doesn't love you either Liam!"

That was it! I couldn't take it anymore! "Shut up both of you! Stop fighting! My hand is probably broken and you guys are just pissing and moaning like three year olds! So stop or I'm gonna bloody kill both of you with my broken hand! And I love both of you dunces! So shut up and get me to the ER!" I exploded.

They both looked at me and laughed. I couldn't believe it! Why were they laughing? They were just fighting and now they were laughing. And I was in extreme pain. I grabbed my car keys with my uninjured hand. "I'll drive myself." Storming out of the room I could hear them follow me. Bingo. I knew it would work.

"Let me drive you please?" Niall offered. He stood in front of me and looked me in the face pleadingly with those beautiful blue eyes. "I love you. Now let me drive you."

"Okay I guess." I tried to hide my smile. He said he loved me. Niall picked up on my smile and kissed my cheek softly and grabbed the keys from my hand.

"Let's go get you bandaged up darling!"

"Hey, wait up!" I heard Liam yell.

I looked back and motioned for him to hurry up. But then quickly looked forward I couldn't stop looking at Niall. Did I love him too? And even if I did could I give up Liam?  

Ahhhh!! Who will Layla end up with? I don't even know yet! Help me decide by telling me who you hope she ends up with so far! Thanks once again for everything! ~Lily Bea

Misdirections- A Liam Payne and Niall Horan fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now