Who's In Charge Here?

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3rd Person

Two pairs of eyes were watching from the trees as the former sidekicks bickered and fought.

"What do you think?"

"They're not gonna solve this when they're arguing like this, they need help, and they need it now." Sandra looked at her partner, and could tell she was intent on helping them.

"I agree but... we may need to reconsider how to approach them--" but her partner was already gone from the trees, approaching the heroes. "Goddammit, Bella..."

Arabella was on the ground waving to her, but avoiding being seen by anyone else.

Eventually, Arabella gave up on trying to get her partner to come with her. Sandra was always slightly more of a watch and report kind of person, but she could also--and loved to--get up-close and personal with her opponent.

She threw her hands up and walked through the bushes towards the team.

"Hey!" she whispers. All the teams' head snapped in her direction, and pulled out their weapons. Or got into fighting stance.

"Really?..." was all Sandra could manage regarding her partner's rash actions.

"Who's there?" Aqualad asked warily, eyeing the bushes in front of the group.

"Want me to use knock out gas?" Sandra asked her partner via earpiece. Arabella's lack of movement told her "no".

"Oh settle down you cry babies, I just want to talk." Arabella told the group as she stepped out from behind the bushes.

Now, the Team could see her clearly. She was in casual clothes, albeit they were ripped and dirty. A green shirt with camo pants. It was clear she had no weapon, so her words were true.

"What do you want?" Artemis said, even though she didn't lower her compound bow.

"Like I said, I just want to talk. But, I'm gonna need my dear partner." Guess that's ma cue~ the other girl thought as she jumped down from the tress, landing beside Arabella.

"The name's Sandra. This rash--"

"My name's Arabella." She said glaring at Sandra.

"And it's just you?"

"Do you see anyone else?"asks Sandra

" And you just happen to be in the middle of the jungle?" Robin asked, and Sandra raised her eyebrow.

"I could say the same thing to you." that was all it took to shut the bird up. Sandra was in a brown tee-shirt, jeans, and combat boots that were in considerably better condition than Arabella's clothes.

"Why are you here, and talking to us?"asked Superboy.

"Because, a blind, deaf, and dumb idiot can see you're lacking in the leadership department."

"Why do you care?" KF asked crossing his arms.

"Because, if you can't pull your act together, than you won't be able to solve this mission. We already have, but you guys are too busy arguing to notice anything. And if you don't solve it soon, than your risking a lot of lives." said Arabella.

"So do you want some help or do you want to go back to arguing like 2 year olds?" Sassed Sandra.

When no one answered Arabella through up her hands in the air.

"My gosh you guys are too full of pride. If you don't want help then go solve your mystery, if not follow us." With that Arabella stalked into the trees, Sandra walking after her.

The Heroes Need SavingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ