But They're Strangers!

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"So you guys do what exactly?" Robin asked raising an eyebrow as they walked. Jenna had just joined them, saying that Arabella was okay.

"Well, we take care of the crime in Canada while you and the League are taking care of the US." Geoffrey said, spinning a charm on his index finger.

"Wait so where are we?" Kid Flash asked with wide eyes.

"C. A. N. A. D. A. Where else do you think we are?" Jenna asked with a deadpan expression.

"I knew I'd like her." Artemis said with a smirk, earning a glare from Kid Flash.

"Can we see Captain Marvel now?" Superboy asked.

"He should be fine now. Sandra doesn't take long, and he didn't seem that injured." Kate said.

Jessica made a sharp turn and went to knock on a door.

"Yo, Sandra, ya done?"

"Yeah! He's sleeping, though." her voice was quite.

The group walked in to see a ten year old boy on the bed with bandages here and there.

"He's fine, but he'll be sleeping for a bit."

"Thanks." Robin said, his eyes not leaving the Captain.

"Hey, Robin? I think I have something you might want to see." Robin raised an eyebrow, but followed the girl out.

Sandra stopped in front of a steel door, typing in a code on the keypad next to it. It slid open and Robin's jaw was this close to hitting the floor.

There was tech, everywhere.

"Oh. My. God." Sandra chuckled at the boy's reaction and smiled.

"I thought you might like it. It's yours to explore, but don't go there." she said pointing to a door.

"What's there?" he asked, genuinely confused.

"Memories... in a way. I'll show it to you one day."

"I think this is a bit much to take in. I can handle not knowing." both knew that he wasn't just referring to the room. Sandra nodded and was about to walk out, but Robin put a hand on her shoulder.

"And thanks. If you hadn't been to there to help us... I don't know what would've happened."

Sandra looked up at him and grinned.

"Anytime. We'll send you back to Mount Justice after Captain Marvel wakes up."

"How do you--" but Robin thought better of it. "You know what? Never mind."


Jenna and Geoffrey had walked out of the room and into the main room.

"I'm going to go take a breather." Jenna said as she grabbed her bow and quiver and Geoffrey smirked.

"Breather? Or crime fighting?"

"You know they're the same thing to me." she said as she shot an arrow right next to his neck.

"Really? Is this some good luck ritual you have to do every single time?" he deadpanned at the archer as she pulled on her mask. He sighed and looked at her pleadingly.

"Just come back safe, okay?"

"You always did care too much. But I appreciate the thought, G."

She teleported to Starling City and nocked an arrow, eyes already on a drug deal going down. She shot an arrow in the guy's shoulder, and he screamed.

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