They're Demons. All of Them.

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"I must say, Bella, these are delicious." Sandra said with a smile, the two girls walking down the street.

"Wait, Sandra... We left the manhole cover open. Can't Batman just, you know, get in?"

"If that was his plan, we would've heard something from the others by now." Sandra said, brows furrowed.

"But the fact that he was there in the first place--"

"I know. I... the Justice League is planning something, and we should be ready."

"You make it sound like we're going to war, Izzy."

"With their record? I wouldn't be shocked." That got a laugh out of the black-haired girl.

Arabella's hair was only white when she went out on missions.

"We should really tell the others."

"I'm debating that. See if they used the security system I set up in the main room."

"You put a camera under the manhole cover?"

"Well, yeah. What if it wasn't Batman? What if it was--"

"I get it."


Sandra was waiting for Arabella to get out all of her books when she spotted Dick on the other side of the hallway.

"You should--"

"No, Bella, I shouldn't. Not until I figure out what's going on with Batman--Bruce--oh fuck it, I don't know."

"Language, Izzy." The glare Arabella got shut her right up.

"Oh, this sucks."

"You are in no right to complain." Arabella said. "At least you get to see him 5 times a week."

"Aw, is my precious Arabella crushing on the Atlantean?" The two girls started walking, and Arabella shoved the brunette.

"Shut up!"

"But I'm right, aren't I?" When Sandra got no response, she chuckled.

"You're awful."

"You love me, and you know it."


"They're in trouble again?" Jenna's tone was fed up and Geoffrey shrugged.

"They're klutzes when they want to be."

"But they shouldn't be at all."

"As much as I agree, Jen, they still need help." Jessica said and Kate rolled her eyes.

"Why are we helping them again?" The blonde asked, and no one had an immediate answer. "Oh please don't tell me you're doing this because you like them."

"You're crazy."

Kate raised and eyebrow at Jessica, Arabella, and Sandra, then turned to Jenna.

"You aren't any better. I've seen you when someone here mentions Roy."


The devil turn to Geoffrey and glared.

"You're lucky I haven't noticed anything with you, G." The kraken laughed nervously.

Sandra shook her head and unbuttoned her blouse to show the top half--which was red and sleeveless--of her outfit. It also had a phoenix on it, as the symbol. She pulled down her skirt and tights in one go, revealing the black pants of her outfit. She toed off her shoes and pulled on her knee-high brown boots. {*}

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