Horrible Planning Part 7

15 1 6

Due to horrible planning by the one and only Ms. Sandra Evens, Dick's new age (cuz 13 dating 15 is unacceptable) is 15 because of the reason in brackets and because NO INOCCENT 13 YEAR OLD SHOULD BE ATTENDING A HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD CONCERT.

This message has been brought to you by

-Jessica Grayson :) 

Sandra looked in the mirror and patted down a few stray hairs.

"You've never tried this hard to look this nice for someone, Izzy." Sandra rolled her eyes good-naturedly at the comment.

"And if you were going out with Kaldur?" Sandra asked with a raised eyebrow, smirking at the embarrassed flush on the leviathan's cheeks. "That's what I thought."

Sandra pulled on her Hollywood Undead hoodie on and pulled the hood up, pulling her hair to one side.

"You look nice, Izzy."

"Thanks. Now, I may come back with temporarily damaged eardrums, so don't expect anything from me." Sandra said and Arabella smiled.

"I'll carry the message."


"Wow. You look..."

"Nervous as Hell?"

"I was aiming for stunning, but that works too."

Sandra gave a small smile and looked to the side.

"Thanks for this, Dick."

"Hey, no problem."

"We'll be lucky if this goes without a hitch, though."

"Shh! You're gonna jinx it!" Dick hissed, but was grinning nonetheless.


Sandra had to admit, that was the most fun she'd had in a long time.

"So, where'm I walking you to?"

"If I said a manhole, would you believe me?"

"There are very few things I won't believe at this point." Dick said simply.

"Well, I guess I'll lead the way, then." Sandra replied with a smile.


"Sooo~, how'd it go~?" Arabella asked in a sing song voice as Sandra approached her room.

"Pretty well, actually."

"You're in love." Arabella stated, all seriousness, no play.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

Sandra wanted to say "No, I didn't, I told you my hearing might be temporarily shot"--but they both knew it wouldn't be true.

"I'm not in lo--"

"Oh, yes you are. You have that look in your eyes. When you admire someone so much you love them."

"Loving someone doesn't mean you're in love with them."

"You didn't let me finish. There's something different about it, though. This... I don't even know, it's like... a matte shimmer, when it's usually just a shimmer. You... you want it but you think you can't have it." Arabella concluded, and Sandra rolled her eyes.

"Oh please."

"You know, considering you're a genius, you're seriously stupid." Sandra rolled her eyes--seriously, if she got a dollar for every time she's had to roll her eyes at this girl, she'd be richer than Bruce Wayne--again and sighed.

"Bella, can we not do this tonight, please?"

"Fine. But it's happening soon!"

"I"m sure Kaldur would love to talk about it with you!" Sandra called back and--

Dead silence.

Sandra laughed a little evilly in her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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