A Red Scarf, The attic, Little Lottie

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Hello everyone, I'm back I don't know if this will be a short one as well. I had a tuff day. Anyway hope you like it and as always cpmment and vote thank you.



Today was going to be a good day, I was goint to take Christine to the opera house so she could get her minds off of thing's. I can't belive that Felicia is Meg's daughter. Poor Meg, I hope she can find peace. But why did'nt Madame Giry tell us? Did'nt she know as well? Strange.

Anyway, I went to my Music room to collect some papers and some money. I wanted to be bizzy, I did'nt wanted to feel any greef. As an hour passed away, I came to get Christine, we would take the wagon and try to ignore foolish reporters. I just want to make Christine be happy, try to make her be in a good mod.

"Christine? are you reddy to go?" I said slowly she came up to me. She did not smile, she looked pale and her eyes were red, like she had been crying. Without saying anything she came closer and hug'd me ang gave a small sigh. "Oh, Erik, why did'nt see tell me?" she said quietly. " Perhaps she did'nt wnat to worry you, come on let's go and return to The Opera Populaire". I took her hand. The trip to town was'nt that far away, Christine barley spoke. I helpt her out of the wagon and helpt her up the high stairs. As we entered, the room went silent like everyone had been waithing for us". Like my Opera had been waithing for me. Now there were one place I would like to go to.

But that can wait. I looked at Christine again, and she looked like she was sick. " Christine, my darling, why don't you go to your old dressing room while I work?." she looked atme as here tears said sadness. Those big brown eyes full of tears. I kissed her check as I let go of her hand.


Everything was silent, it was all so quiet, so quiet as I could feel my heartbeath, as I entered into my old room, I could feel my heart begin to soar. It all looked the same. Nothing had changed, it felt like it was yesterday since Erik took me to his liar. I felt the cold mirror on my hand.  I let go and sat down. I don't think I can stay here mutch longer, memories of her. Meg, who had been like a sister. My best friend.

I sat alone in my room I lighted a candle for her, I sang our secret song. A song that was long forgotten.

Dancing bears,painted wings

Thing's I almost remember

And a song someone sing's

Once upon a december

And a song someone sing's

Once upon a december

Rest in peace Meg, I'll keep your daughter in my care. I promise.

"Mrs. Destler?" a man said.

"Yes?" I said confused

"There is a letter for you"

"Thank you"

I said nervously and confused. He left as quickley as he came.

"A red scarf, the attic, Little lottie."

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