My Cosette

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Hi everyone I'm back here is the next chapther it will be long, anyway comment and vote and just keep on reading, but this book will soon come to an end. Thank you for reading! :)


Christine was sitting in a chair next to a window reading a book about music I wonder if she miss it? Being on stage hearing people screming out her name and cry for her to sing again, I handed her a cup of tea. "Thank you" she said shortley, she put my hand on her stomack and I felt a kick, it felt wonderful, I'm glad that she is happy. "Christine, you don't have to sing anymore on stage if you don't want to, I will not force you anymore, the choise is yours" I said. She tutched my face and kissed me. " I will sing for you again, I promise".

"what did I do to deserve you?" I asked with a smile.

"One word, music" she said lovingly.

I kissed her again, and then she said " Thank you for everything you've done for me" she said almost crying. "It is I who should say thank you" I said lovingly. She kissed me and she tried to get up but. She  stoped moving, something was wrong, "Christine, what's wrong?" I said worried.

"The baby, it's coming"  I grabed her in my arms and took her upstairs, I layed her down on the bed.

"Hurry" she screm'd.

I ran down stairs and took Ceasar as he ran quickley into the nearest hospital. When I went inside, everyone staired at me. A women scremed of happiness "It's the Phantom!" she said but I could tell she was still scared.

"Can I help you?" a doctor said.

"Yes, my wife is giving birth and she needs a doctor".

"Oh alright I'll be there" he said. I got angry.

"Did you not hear me?" My wife is giving birth and she is in  a lot of pain, do you have any idea of who i am?!" I screamed.

"I know who you are, your the Phantom of the Opera" he said scared.

"Yes that's right and if you dont come with me now I will drag you with me if I have too!" I said angry

"Is that a treth?" he said standing up for himself.

"No that's a promise" I said with my dark voice.

"alright" He said short, he grabed his bag and came with me.


I was worried, and scared, I did'nt know what to do, I could barley breath.

This pains were a lot stronger than I carried on Gustave, or maybe it's beacuse of my shot wond? I did'nt know, I did'nt know anything, all I knew was that I had to stay calm and don't be stressed and to just breath and try to focus on the baby.

But it was not easy. What is taking so long? Erik should have been here by now, The pain was getting stronger, the more I moved the worse it got. Finally, the door opened and Erik came in and kissed my hand.

The doctor came in and was getting readdy to do his job, I guess we both have a job to do.

He told Erik to leave, he said he could take care of thing's on his own now.

Erik took my hand and kissed it softley before he closed the door behind him. After an hour pain of waves came and I screamed in pain, "Mrs. Destler, just one final push and it will all be over" he told me. I pushed one last time as I felt my heart stop. The minute I Heard my baby cry, I could finally breath.

"Mrs. Destler you have a daughter"  he said, I held my daughter in my arms, she looked so mutch like me, she had my hair but she had Erik's brown beautiful eyes.

My daugher


My Cosette

When we arrived at the house I ran inside and up to Christine, I held her hand tight.

The doctor said he could do this on his own and I left but before I did I kissed her on her soft hand and closed the door behind me.

I went outside with Giry, Gustave and Felicia. I could'nt bare to hear my Christine scream, I looked at the house, Giry came closer to me and put her hand on my sholder.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine, she is strong" she said trying to calm me down.

I was going to reply but I heard a baby cry, I ran into the house and the doctor was outside the door.

"Congratulations you have a daughter, and your wife is fine"

I went inside and the first thing I saw was my Christine holding a tiny baby.

"She's Beautiful, what are we going to call her?" I asked confused we never descused a name.

"Cosette" she said. I was confused, "You named our daughter after a hourse?"

"Oh, no silly, after my mother" she laughed and I started laughing with her.

Gustave and Felicia came in and they were happy about meeting there little sister.

I held my daughter close to me, my Cosette, she had my eyes and Christine's hair.

So beauitful, she will sing to, I will teach her, my daughter, my Cosette.

A daughter

Our daughter


My Cosette

Love never Alters ( Erik and Christine Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now