Angel Of Music

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Hi everyone I was wondering if you could help me, how do you make the text black and changing it??? If someone does know what I'm talking about let me know! here is the next chapther jope you like it enjoy!!! :)


The peformance was amazing, people were screaming and cried out for more, it was amazing, it was just amazing. Now I desided to take Christine to the liar, were it all started.

Wandering child so lost so helpless

Yearning for my guidance

Angel or father friend or phantom

Who is it there starrying?

Have you forgotten your angel?

Echo in this wiperer

To long you wanderd in windern

Far from my fathering gaze

Winley my mind beaths against you

You resist

I resist

Yet my soul obeys

Yet your soul obeys

Angel of music you denied me

Angel of music I denied you

Turning from true beauty

Angel of music do not shun me

Angel of music my protecter

Come to me strange angel

Come to your strange agel

I am your angel of music

Come to me angel of music

We both knew that this was not the end, this was just the beginning.

Love never Alters ( Erik and Christine Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now