So, We Meet Again

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Hello everyone! I'm so very sorry for nt updating I had an awsome day yesterday, so awsome that I feel ill tonight so I desided to do a small little update just for you guy's, this is a chapther I have been dying to write!!! Thank you all for 40reads it feels good, vote and continue reading!!! Thanks.


These last few weaks between me and Erik have been really good.

Gustave and Felicia adore each other and another baby on the way.

I have been pregnant for about a month and I did'nt show that mutch as I thought I would.

I wonder what I will have, a boy or a girl? I also wonder what Erik wants, but if I knw him well, whitch I do, then he just simpley would'nt care. All he wants is a healthy, smart, beautiful baby as long as his children does'nt have "my face" he keeps on telling me. 

He is afraid of having his children look like him and have to wear a mask to hide from the world.

I can remember a long forgotten melody that he sang to his masqurade monkey after he let me go. I went back to him beacuse I was going to give him the ring back and because I wanted to say goodbye.

At that time I could'nt just leave without saying goodbye, he deserves more than that. He was crying when I came back, just sitting there with a broken heart with his voice as his only friend.



On parade


Hide your face so the world 

Will never find you

He came closer to me and smiled as he thought I would stay, I gave him the ring back and when he understood that this was goodbye his eyes showed sadness and both of us could hide our tears from each other. He gentley tutched my hand and sang very quietly to me.

Christine I love you

When I heard those words my heart broke I turned around and ran away crying. That was when I thought I would never see my angel again. It was horrible just thinking about it, it gave me chills that made all the hair on my body raise. I suddenly felt cold and dizzy.

I sat down and looked at a new letter from Raoul.

"Dear Little Lotte meet me in two hours at the roof of the opera populaire were it all began."

Why Raoul? what do you want? I thought to myself. I don't know if I should tell Erik about this but maybe I did'nt go so well the last time.

The hour passt and I put the children to bed, I kissed them goodnight and closed the door carefully behind me. Erik was probobly in his liar at the Opera, Madame Giry watched the children as I left the home and took my hourse, Cosette. 

The night had been stealing in the air and I felt the cold and twisted winds stapping in my face. I could'nt ride to fast, I had the baby to think about.

I watched the beautiful Opera hourse were it stood, so tall and took fourteen years to built and 1,500 workers and in the cellars you can walk for days and never see daylight,believe me I know.

I went to the stable and tighted Cosette as hard as I could. I went inside to the silent opera. I could'nt feel Erik's presance, I could only feel it if he or I were close enugh. The Opera was dark and only a few candles up on all the staris.

I can't belive I'm doing this, forgive me Erik.


I followed Christine to the roof, what on earth is she doing? I was hiding on the exact same spot eleven years ago. That's when I saw someone I never ever expected to see ever again. So, we meet again dear Vicompte.

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