The Music Of The Night

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Hi everyone I'm back this is another update after all.  I  hope you like it enjoy.


I was on my way to the office when I saw madame Giry at my door. 

"Erik, there you are! can I speak with you?" she asked kindley, she seemd happy as long as you did'nt make her remeber Meg, if you did then she would just burst into tears.

"Of course" I said and opened the door for her, I sat down in front of my table and she sat down in a chair near my desk.

"Well, what do you have in mind?" I asked her crossing my fingers I looked at my wedding ring whitch made me smile but then I focused on Giry again.

"It's the peformance you and Christine are peforming"

"Yes?" I said confused

"Well, do you think it is a good idea?"

"Yes of course, I want Paris, France to know how mutch I love her and to see me, The Phantom of the Opera as a man and not a ghost".

"I see, how is Felicia?" She said changing the subject.

"She is fine, happy, see is in good hands"

"She belives her father is dead does'nt see?"

"Yes, but he is, is'nt he?" I said confused

"No, I thought so at first that's why I told you that he was dead but he is'nt"

I stoped crossing my finger's and looked at her in the eyes

"Giry who is he?" I said giving her an order

"It's Raoul Vicompte de Changy"

I sat down in the chair I was in some sort of chock.

Is that why he wanted to see Christine last night? Does he know that Felicia is our daughter now?

I had so many question's inside my head.

The hours passed and soon it was time for our peformace. Christine were wearing the exact same clothes as she did when I braught her down into my liar. So beautiful.

I have braught you

To the seet of sweet music's tron

To this kindom were all must rehamige to music, music

You have come here for one perpes and one alone

Since the moment I first heard you sing I have needed you with me

To serve me, to sing for my music, my music...

I gave her a look and started to sing a song from my heart.

Nighttime sharpens highteens each sensation

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination

Silently defences abandon there defences

Slowly, gently night unfurls it's splendor

Grasp it, sence it, tremulos and tender

Turn your face away from the garrish light of day

Turn your thought's away from cold unfeeling light

And listen to the music of the night

Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams

But your thought's of the life you knew before

Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar

And you live as you've never lived before

Softley,deftley music shall caress you

Hear it,feel it, closing in around you

Open up your mind let your fantasies unwind

In this darkness whitch you know you cannot fight

The darkness of the music of the night

Let your mind start a journey trugh a strange new world

Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before

Let your soul take you were you long to be!

Only then can you beong to me

Floating,falling, sweet intaxication

Tutch me, trust me savor each sensation

Let the dream begin let your darker side give in

To the the power of the music that I write

The power of the music of the night

Christine smiled and walked closer to the lights

Say you'll share with me one love one lifetime

Say the word and I will follow you

Share each day with me each night

Each morning

She opened her arms and I ran into them

You alone can make my song take flight

It's over now the music of the night!

Love never Alters ( Erik and Christine Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now