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Hi all!! I'm back, here is another update it will be a short one, hope you like it keep on reading and thank you for 32reads!! Please continue and vote + leave a comment! Thank you :D


I  desided to let us stay here in America for a few days before were heading back to France. Christine and I, well we seems to be alright again, but I will never ever do something like this to her again, and that goes for her too.

The spring was beautiful, I have never seen anything like this before. I looked up at the warm sun, that warm light that tutched my cold soul. I have lived in the darkness all my life, until Christine came into my life, and she was my only window to the outside world. She is still my light, I love her. I keep on saying that " I live in darkness but my soul is light" whitch is true.

When we get back to Paris, the first thing we are going to do, is to adopt Felicia. She has been waiting to long for this, she has been here for three months, how could I have been so blind? 

Today, was going to be a perfect day, no papers, no office, no opera. Nothing, just me and my family n a holiday. I never knew that being a human could be so difficult?

My angel is the most beautiful women in the world, sometimes I wonder if she acctually is from this world, I mean so beautiful as she is and her voice, her voice is from heaven. I remember the first time I heard her voice. She was so small and so tiny and little and beautiful. It is something I will keep close to my heart forever.

I wonder if my old spell still works?

I'am your angel of music

Come to me angel of music

I'am your angel of music

Come to me angel of music


I have been watching them together, it descusst me to see her happy with that thing, even worse that she came to him so easy. that girl there are carrying around, that is probobly my daughter, she looks like Meg. I did'nt mean to make Meg pregnant, it was an accedent! meg died when that wagon came under her, I ddi'nt mean that eatier.

No one knows about this, and it's going to stay that way, perhaps I can show myself to Christine when they get back to Paris? Christine will take my side, she believe's there's good in all people, well she is terribly wrong. 

I still love her, I will always love her, and I know she loves me, and I am going to prove it!

I'am going to get my revenge, if it is the last ting I do!

I drank the last drop of the whiskey and left to the hotel

I will see you soon, very soon, my little Lotte.

Love never Alters ( Erik and Christine Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now