Maybe a Little Closer

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Kennedy Huterson glanced over at her best friend, narrowing her eyes at his glasses. Every day, she'd seen Alfred wearing his glasses, never once taking them off. Huffing, she turned back to her book that she was doing a report on for English.

"Come on Kenny!" Alfred whined as another loud explosion went off on the television. He was currently playing GTA 5, which he usually played with Kennedy. He was very disappointed when she said she couldn't play. She'd set this assignment aside for almost the entire month that she had to work on it and only have four days to finish it.

"Not now Alfie. Busy reading about cancer and Anne Frank." He snorted as I continued to read. "I told you I should have done it early. Or else I would be playing GTA with you now." She shoved him a bit and he hissed, trying to not crash the virtual car into yet another lamp post-which he failed to do anyway.

"Aww I crashed again!" He pouted and Kennedy chuckled.

"Yeah. For the twenty-seventh time since you began to play-which was only about half an hour ago." Turning the page she scrunched up her nose. "Who makes out in Anne Frank's house?" She groaned and glanced at Alfred. "Have you done your report?" He shook his head and Kennedy rolled her eyes. She knew this ment he was gonna do it last minute.

"I mean, dude what's the point. It's just a stupid book report."

"It's worth one hundred and fifty points Alfie." She found herself staring at his glasses.

"Umm, dude?" She had been so focused, she didn't realize he'd turned to face her. She blinked once, not blushing one bit.

"Alfred?" He raised an eyebrow, since she only used his full name when she was being serious. "I know it may be a touchy subject, but I was wondering. How bad is your eyesight?" Kennedy asked bluntly. Alfred stared at Kennedy for about thirty seconds and she stared back. Then he let out a rather loud laugh.

"Is that all it's about?" He grinned and reached up. Her eyes widened slightly as he pulled his glasses off. He looked so... different. There were small red marks on his nose where they sat, and the outline of light brown his glasses usually gave was completely gone. But his eyes were smaller, because he was squinting-squinting at Kennedy.

"Well, I can't see you now." He slid closer to Kennedy, only a cushion of the four-cushion couch separating. He shook his head. "No, maybe a little closer." He slid over the entire cushion so his upper leg pressed against hers. A blush came to her cheeks now, and she thanked everything that he has hard times seeing. "No. Still can't see."

But the blush increased even more when he leaned closer to her. He stopped squinting when his forehead presses against her. They stared at each other for moments that felt like minutes. Then, Alfred smirked.

"Alfie?" He chuckled in response to her quieted voice. Usually if someone tried to hit of her she'd tell them off. Now she had no words to say.

"This is way better." She stuttered and blushed, only causing Alfred to chuckle and bring a hand to her cheek. "Oh shut up alreddy." And she did shut up-with his help.

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