Pay Attention to Me (2p!version)

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"Kenny," Allen kneeled down in front of his girlfriend. Kenny rolled her eyes and continued on reading her copy of Fifty Shades of Grey.

Allen narrowed his eyes slightly at the book cover, then spoke again.

"Kenny," She did nothing to acknowledge his existence. "Pay attention to me." He ran a hand over her bare stomach, but she didn't even flinch.

"Kenny," She smirked at the sound of her boyfriend almost whining for attention. He squeezed himself between her arms so she was forced to hold the book in one hand and let the other rest in Allen's hair.

Allen buried his face into the crook of her neck, his knee placed between her legs.

"Kenny, pay attention to me." He whispered, his voice lowering as his head did the same. Kenny had no problem with his face practically in her boob; until he blinked.

She let out a giggle as his eyelashes tickled her sensitive skin. Then she gritted her teeth.

"Kenny~" he almost sang her name which itched at her. The high and mighty Allen only acted like this around her. And sometimes it irked her.

"Look at me doll-face, I missed you." Kenny continued to trail her eyes along the page. Allen blinked again and she began to squirm. "Pay attention to me!"

"Fuck! Fine!" She tossed her book aside and looked down at her now smirking boyfriend.

"Knew you couldn't resist me doll-face."

"Fuck you."

"Maybe later."

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