In the Library (2p!version)

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Olivia Kirkland walked around her house bare-foot and clad in torn up flannel pajama pants, and one of her older brother's bloody shirts. The time was 9 AM and usually Oliver would still be asleep, but she felt like being a bitch and forcing him to make breakfast for her.

Her footsteps were loud and obnoxious against the cold hardwood floor, and a thick wool blanket covered her shoulders. Olivia mumbled and grumbled to herself, still a bit groggy. When she reached his bedroom, she kicked the door down-again-and stepped inside. Oliver was no where to be seen.

"The jackass stayed up reading those goddamn cookbooks again, didn't he?" She growled in frustration, but began to stomp towards the library. When she threw the door open, her older brother jumped a bit, looking up from the old cookbook that rested in his lap. She glared in his direction and dropped the blanket before making her way over to him, her arms crossed over her chest.

Olivia didn't mind that their names were close in comparison-Oliver and Olivia-, but what bothered her was that they had the same blue eye and strawberry blond hair. She was okay being named after him, but it irked her that they looked alike. Why couldn't I look more like Allen? She thought to herself before her mind reminded her that she and Oliver were full siblings. Allen was only her half-brother.

"Good morning Olivia!" Oliver smiled and cause his sister to scowl.

"Make me breakfast," She said bluntly as she stopped walking. She stood in front of his seated form and he blinked up at her before his smile turned into a cat-like grin.

"What are the magic words?" She glared down at him, her arms crossed as he set his cook-book aside.

"Make me breakfast Oliver." She growled, her blue eyes narrowed at him. Her change in tone had no affect on him, and he just continued to grin at her. The staring contest went on for about ten minutes before Olivia groaned in annoyance and looked towards the ceiling.

"Fine! Please make me breakfast Oliver!" His grin widened as he pretended to think about it. He then looked her straight in the eyes and spoke one word.

"No." Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to cuss him out when he reached forward and grabbed her arm. She yelped as he pulled her down and growled when she realized what was happening. She now sat in his lap, the way a little kid would and Oliver was snuggled into her hair, his arms pinning hers to her side.

"You wanker let me go," She growled only to have his grip tighten.

"Language," He said harshly and continued to snuggle with her.

Fortunately for Olivia the moment was short lived because Allen came in, swinging his bat above his head and yelling about how he had just ran over some man and successfully gotten away from the cops... Then there were the sirens.

"Really Allen, again?!"

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