Stay: France Ending

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This is the original ending; Antarctica ends up living with France. Enjoy!


All the countries watched in surprise as Antarctica waddled over to France and clung to his leg. She giggled and looked up at him.

"I wanna stay with France."

---230 years later---

"Do I have to go to zhe meeting?" Antarctica(Human age 19) whined as she walked into the kitchen. France chuckled, looking at the country who was still wearing her night-gown and bed-hair.

"Oui, if I have to go then you do too." Antarctica groaned and sat in her seat. "Besides, you'll get to see Italy." Antarctica's cheeks flared up and she nearly choked on air. Everyone always assumed that she had a crush on the Italian country-well it was true but she'd never admit it.

"S-shut up." She mumbled as her penguin companion Bob waddled in and began to chirp. Antarctica stood and walked to the fridge. "We picked up Bob's food right?" France shrugged and she rolled her eyes. Once she opened the fridge she was able to spot out a small package of sardines she'd picked up on the last food run. She picked it up and tossed it to Bob, who caught it with ease before hopping to sit on the chair she had occupied moments before.


"Dose my hair look okay?" Antarctica chuckled nervously as she pinned her bangs back with a bobby-pin. France looked at the younger nation who was biting her lip as she unbuckled her seat belt.

"You look just fine Izabel." Antarctica flushed slightly at the use of her human name.

"Merci papa." She glanced out the passenger's window and all but died when she saw what was happening. Prussia, being the weirdly awesome person he was, had pressed his face into the window and was staring right at her. "Que se passe-t-il!?" She exclaimed, jumping and hitting her head on the roof of the car.

From inside the car, her uncles laughing was muffled as he pulled his face away from the door. Antarctica unbuckled her seat belt and shoved the door open. As soon as she was out she and Prussia began a slap fight - a typical experience at these meetings.

"Antarctica!" The Italian country of Verdan called out, swaying her arms back and forth as she skipped through the parking lot. "Guess-a who I drove here!" She gestured to the happily skipping Italian man and his older, grumpy brothers. They were the two parts of Italy. Venenziano and Romano. Venenziano was the happy one, Romano the one who had his arms crossed and a scowl instead of a smile. He seamed to be glaring at his brother or his friend. Probably both.

"Well, go to your friend mädchen." Antarctica's uncle chuckled as he messed up her hair. She slapped his hand away before running towards Verdan. And neither of them stopped, or even slowled down from the pace they were going - so they crashed and fell to the ground, groaning in pain and laughing at the same time.

"I think I felt that in Raldal." Raldal happened to be the capital of Verdan. Antarctics laughed at the comment as Venenziano smiled down at her.

"Caio Bella!" She blushed at the complement as the younger Italy brother helped her stand. She saw Romano tugging Verdan to her feet from the corner of her eye. He didn't seam to happy about it, but he didn't seam happy about a lot of things so Antarctica thought of it as normal.

"Bonjour Veneziano." She said softly. Veneziano smiled, his eyes closed. She wondered what he was thinking about - maybe it was her. Maybe it was pasta... Who knew.

"Antarctica, it's time to get inside zhe meeting hall!" France called over to her from the doorway. Antarctica smiled.

"I'll see you later Veneziano." And before he could say anything, Antarctica was entering the meeting hall with France behind her.


"Is zere any meaning for zhis meeting? I mean we never get anyzing done." Antarctica spoke to Canada as the meeting got nowhere. England and France were currently choking one another while America was shoving hamburgers down his throat.

"I-I guess they think w-w-we might get things done if we keep trying." Antarctica sighed and nodded before looking at Veneziano who was cowering behind Germany in fear of Russia who was breaking up the fight between her papa and England. "You l-like him, eh?" Antarctica's cheeks flared a shade of red that compared too the roses her father put in her hair when she was younger.

"W-what do you mean Canada?" She asked shyly, looking at her hands that rested, intertwined in her lap.

"I-I see the way you l-look at him. It's the s-same look Verdan gives R-Romano." Antarctica bit her lip and glanced back up. She looked to the window behind Veneziano to see it was raining outside. Not pouring, not sprinkling, but raining.

"I'm gonna go outside... tell me if anything happens?" Canada nodded, smiling. Antarctica slipped out of the meeting room unnoticed by everyone but Canada... and Venenziano.


I guess I should have brought a sweater like papa suggested. The rain felt amazing, but the brezze made my skin freeze. I shivered but spread my arms out. I walked further outside into the back-yard garden.

Even with the rain falling, the fountain continued to spray wayer into it's lower regions. It looked rather pretty and I found myself sitting on it's edge. I felt like I was in some sort of love story as I delicately pushed my damp hair behind my ear in order to hear the water splash.

"Bella? What are-a you doing out-a here?" I jumped a bit and turned to face Veneziano .

---Third Person---

Gasping, Antarctica placed her hand over her heart and took in a deep breath.

"Oh gosh Veneziano it's only you... okay good..." She looked up and stared into his eyes which she would usually find closed when she was paying attention. His amber colored eyes absorbed all of her thoughts and they were all she thought about for quite a few moments before she spoke.

"Sorry, I thought I was the only one who liked to come out in the rain." Veneziano smiled, closing his eyes.

"I don't-a usualy, but I saw you coming out-a here so I followed you so-a you wouldn't be-a lonely." She giggled lightly as he sat next to her. "Also..." He twiddled with his thumbs. "There-a was something I wanted to-a tell you..." He seemed nervous, so Antarctica placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling him tense up.

"What is it Venezi?" She asked him, a soft and caring look on her face. He sighed and looked up.

"Well... Ti amo Antarctica." Was that all? Antarctica wondered to herself, and smiled. She brought her hand back to herself and bit her lip.

"Well if you say it... Je t'aime Veneziano." He looked up, a cheerful look on his face and in his eyes. And so, the Italian country tackled her and they both fell into the fountain.

For the two following weeks, they both were sick and once they got better, they were inseperable - except for bathroom breaks and changing clothes. France never did get used to seeing Veneziano in the morning... oh well.


Human name: Izabel Bonnefoy

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