The Prank War

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I hate waking up in the middle of the night, and hate may be an understatement. I... loathe it. I would only ever get up in the middle of the night if it was something important, like peeing or getting something to drink.

Tonight, it was neither. It was my fucking phone. Oh hell, I felt like throwing it half way across the room. Then I saw the caller ID Mathias Køler. He better had a fucking good reason to wake me up at two in the morning on a Saturday.

"I swear you stupid freaking Dane-" I could hear yelling in the background.

"Ah, Miles!" To be clear, my name was not Miles. It was Miley, but since that reminded me of that singer who sat naked on a freaking wrecking ball, I began to go by Miles. It was just easier anyways. "Would you mind driving to the house, like now?!" I winced at the volume of his voice.

"Mathias, what's going on?" Then there was a small explosion.

"Oh nothing much, just a prank war... It was supposed to be harmless, but... HOLY SHIT ICE WATER FUCK!" And the line went dead.

"Well just great..." I muttered. But like always when he or one of the others called me, I dragged my lazy ass out of bed and towards my closet. I changed everything but my pants, and threw on some converse.

The drive to their house wasn't that long, but with me half-asleep and dazed it felt like forever, in reality it was only ten minutes. As I pulled into their driveway, the house seamed normal. No evidence of the explosion I'd heard over the phone and no screaming from the insides.

Oh hell was I wrong. As soon as I stepped into the door, I had to duck down so I wouldn't be hit in the face with a fucking coconut cream pie.

"What the shit?! Mathias?!" I ran off, jumping over mountains of Lego bricks, doing my best not to slip on the soaked floors and running past incorrectly build IKEA furniture. Soon, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into another room.

"Ah, you made it Miles!" It took all my will-power not to slap him on the spot.

"Matt, what the hell is going on? I knew you guys liked pranks wars, but this is ridiculous!" Mathias grinned at me and I scoffed.

"This is awesome! Oh god, it began with Tino and I dumping Ice-water all over Emil, it was so much fun! But then it all got kinda out of hand and now the kitchen has all but burned down, there are multiple unfinished or incorrectly sets of IKEA desks and chairs, Lego bricks scattered on the floor, and pies are everywhere!" He seamed a bit too excited. "And I wanted you to help me!" He pointed at himself using his thumb.

It was by now that I noticed that Mathias' hair was blue. And not a light blue, a very dark shade of blue. And it was only on the sided of his hair, where he applied his hair-gel and stuff. Then he was soaked, so his blueish-blond hair clung to his fore-head, his ears and his neck.

"Sow what do ya say Miles?! Wanna help me prank the others?" I grinned, sure, I hate waking up in the night and - but this was way more exciting than sleep!

---Three hours later---

"Where could they be?" I heard Emil whisper, and I had to hold in my laughter. Mathias and I had ended up hiding inside a large cupboard under the sink. There wasn't as much room as we'd hoped for so I was stuck practically sitting in my Danish friend's lap.

I don't think he minded how close we sat, but I was defiantly putting one of Lovino Vargas' tomatoes to shame. The footsteps grew louder and Matt pulled me closer, causing my blush to immediately increase.

I held my flour covered hands close to my chest. The kitchen really had been destroyed. Turns out one of them (I'm betting it was Matt) had put a 'cake' in there and as soon as poor Tino opened it, the damn thing exploded. Chocolate and vanilla frosting and batter was spread across the room, and it caused me to fall over a few times.

"They've been here. I recognize the shoe prints as converse. Miles is the only one here wearing converse." I mentally cursed. Of course Tino knew what Converse prints look like, he practically lives in his which made me wonder why he wasn't wearing them. "Oh look Emil they lead to a cupboard!" Someone jumped up and down next to the cupboard and I paled.

"Ah ha!" Mathis shoved me from the cupboard and into Tino, knocking him to the ground. Matt got out, took my hand and ran from the shocked Emil and the confused Finnish boy who lay in chocolate cake batter.

"Sorry 'bout that Miles!" My Danish friend pulled me into yet another room. I frowned at him but he continued to grin. I began to choke him using his signature tie. I'd seen one of the others do it and it seamed to work. "Whoa, Whoa Mercy!" He gagged.

"Next time I'm locked in a cupboard with you, I'm gonna shove you out." I let go and he caught his breath, loosening his tie. He began to chuckle and wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders. I didn't try to bump him off, I had learned years ago that it never works because he either won't move or he always comes back to do it again.

"I'm looking forward to it." I blushed immediately when he winked.


"Do you really think the plan will work?" I questioned, glancing at Emil and Lukas. Emil nodded, watching as Berwald stood carefully on the ladder, trying to hang up the small plant. Of course we'd have to quickly set it up so when they stepped out of the room, it went to a height level they could see. But that would be easy. Lukas answered me.

"Of course it'll work. When has one of my plans not?" We were using hushed voices in hope that Mathias and Miles couldn't hear us. Berwald cursed as lowly as he could, pricking his finger on the plant, or the wiring I couldn't tell.

"I really don't know anymore..."

---Time skip/Miles---

"I think we're safe." I said to Mathias who looked up from his seat. "They haven't come by yet so I think we can run for it." He nodded quickly and stood up. Mathias walked to the door and turned the knob. Seeing as we weren't pelted with legs or pie or broken IKEA desk peices, we stepped out of the room.

As soon as we did, something came from above. I covered myself, expecting more ice-water like what happened to Emil or Mathias, but it didn't come. I looked up while Mathias was still covering himself, expecting a watter attack.

"Those bastards." Then, a door open to the left, to the right and directly across from us. "I hate you four." Berwald and Emil stood in the doorway in front of us. To our left was Lukas, to the right was Tino.

"Come on Miles, I thought you knew what it means when you have mistletoe hanging above your head." Tino smiled innocently and I glared. Mathias had decided to look up now and his cheeks turned a rosy red.

"I'm going to kill you guys..." He glared at his adoptive brothers. I guess it was now or never. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath as Mathias glared at his brothers some more.

"Oh to hell with it." I grabbed his tie and he gasped in for air before I pulled him down to my height. Let's just say his tie was useful for more than just choking.

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