Washed in Blood

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"Daddy, daddy!" Jenny Kirkland giggled as she ran into the kitchen of the large mansion she lived in with her father and uncles. "Daddy!" She nearly tackled her father to the ground as she ran into his leg.

"Poppet!" He said, a bit startled, his bright blue eyes wide. Jenny Kirkland was Oliver Kirkland's six and a half year old daughter, who wasn't as tall as most kids her age. The little girl who grinned while looking up at her father was drenched in blood.

"Daddy! Uncle Allen helped me with Eric!" She giggled and Oliver smiled at her.

"Are you going to help him clean up?" She pouted, trying to use her puppy dog eyes until her uncle came in, his nail embedded bat swung over his shoulder. His clothing was stained with blood, but not as much as Jenny.

"Ay, short stack. Back to the cellar we have to clean up." Jenny sighed but ran to her uncle who was quick to drop his bat and lift her up.

Oliver smiled. That was his little girl. Jenny Kirkland. Washed in blood.

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