Pay Attenion to Me (1p! version)

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"Kennedy," Alfred kneeled down in front of his girlfriend. Kennedy rolled her eyes and continued on reading her copy of Looking for Alaska. Alfred pouted, his eyes set on the back and cover of her book.

"Kennedy," He wined, but she did nothing to acknowledge his existence. Alfred placed a hand on her thigh, but she wasn't bothered in the least, after all he was her boyfriend. "Pay attention to me."

Kennedy smiled, thinking that he was just adorable while whining. Alfred squeezed himself between her arms, so she used one hand to hold her book while the other rested in Alfred's hair. He put his face into the crook of her neck, making Kennedy bite her lip. It was probably from the fact that he wasn't wearing his glasses and his eyelashes brushed against her skin.

"Kennedy, pay attention to me." She squirmed a bit when he softly kisses her neck, but froze completely when he lowered his head towards her boobs.

I can do this. I want to read. Kennedy did the best to ignore her boyfriends who was practically inside her bra, until her blinked. She bit her lip and took in a sharp breath of air. That tickled, holy shit.

"Kennedy," He whined and that was muffled by her chest. She squirmed as he continued to blink. "Look at me, I missed you Kennedy." She let out a little squeak when he dared to kiss her, and quickly put her book aside and pulled his head from her chest. She pulled his face closer and whispered.

"Don't do that. Ever."

"Well now I know how to get you to stop reading."

"I hate you."

"Love you to babe."

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