Chapter 20

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Goals-15 views it's short, and mainly a filler the next chapter is so much better!

Yesterday was Sapphire's funeral Kyser didn't want to attend so I stayed by him the whole time. Casper told us it was a very beautiful service and that she left me a necklace a very beautiful necklace I have to admit. It's a simple silver chain with a blue heart Jewel on it from this day forward I'll wear it everyday.

"Rossi was thinking maybe we should go visit your parents" Kyser suggest.

"Why? is something wrong?" I asks standing from my chair.

"No it's no that. It's just i'd hate it if something happened to them and you never got to see them again" he answers.

"How about we host a dinner and invite their pack with ours" I suggest getting excited.

"That actually sounds good. I'll get a omega to send out the invitations" he replies.

A dinner party. That's exactly what we need after this stressful week I know Kyser is just trying to keep himself busy so he doesn't completely break down. I just hope this dinner will help after that I know we have to go back to training and preparing which will take up all of our time. I think we should ask my parents to help us out and send some of his fighters to us.

"Kyser do you think my dad would help us out you know with the war?" I ask.

"We could ask them, maybe at the dinner" he replies putting a jacket on.

We both agree and leave the room. Kyser has called a meeting this morning in the dining hall for the whole pack to attend. He hasn't told me what it's all about, but it can't be good if it's this early. We walk in and Kyser sits at the head of the table I sit next to him. All eyes are on Kyser I don't see Nolla or Loralye I'm guessing this is important.

"We will start training again tomorrow, we start at 5 in the morning no later" Kyser announces.

"But Alpha..are you sure you don't need a few days?" A guy with sandy blonde hair asks.

"I'm fine" Kyser answers with no emotion.

This is scaring me what if he goes back to the way he was?

"We will be patrolling longer. Up to six hours." He continues and is met with groans "Alpha Spyro will arrive tomorrow I expect everyone to be on their best behavior and to dress nicely" he finishes.

Kyser soon dismisses the pack leaving, him, Casper and I alone in an awkward silence. I'm excited my family's coming, but at the same time I'm worried about my mate. He isn't acting like himself I know his mom just died, but he's acting like it never happened.

"Casper you can go" Kyser speaks breaking the silence.

Casper leaves and Kyser doesn't meet my gaze. Instead he just stares at his hands. I sigh and take his hand in mine.

"Kyser, look at me" I plead.

"Rosa..please. I need to focus on the protection of the pack right now" he grumbles.

I decide to leave him be so I leave the room. I walk down the halls no sound is made except for the sound of my footsteps. That's when I smell it....

To Be Continued...


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