Imprisoned Part III

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This went a little off track of my plans... I had planned to finish the chapter in the last part, but, again, there wasn't enough room xD This update here will get eventful. I hope you all like fluff :)




Erik. I couldn't get his name off my mind. Even after three weeks since he's told me. Yes, it had been three weeks ago when he told me his name, and it stuck to my thoughts ever since. He's a very interesting man, I have to say. Being with him for this long, I already found out a very personal piece of information about him; his name. He didn't tell anyone, besides his Persian friend that he briefly talked about named Nadir Khan. Erik said he didn't understand why Nadir stood by his side for so long, yet he did. But he didn't go further in detail about what happened that led them to be a sort of friend acquaintance. I could tell Erik was very closed off, and I wanted to change that.

Oddly enough, I had gotten lenient on him these past few weeks. My anger was gone, and I was very patient with his stubbornness. Amazingly. He was a short tempered mess after I tested his limits a few times. I admit, it was amusing seeing him flustered at points. And then others...

Let's just say I understood Christine's fear.

I could remember one scene vividly. It happened this week, actually. Being Thursday today, it happened Monday. Erik was composing to get something off of his mind that day, and I was quite bored. My curiosity got the better of me, and I explored his home while he worked.

The Phantom, er, Erik was working on a new composition. He wouldn't tell me what it was when I asked. He seemed to be ill tempered about everything I asked him about recently. It frustrated and worried me. What was his deal? Was he getting tired of my presence?

That's his problem. He kidnapped me in the first place.

Dragging myself from the swan bed, I set my curiosity to adventure around his home. I hadn't seen every room. Mostly because he was always there to chastise me about snooping after I tried to find new rooms. The only three I've been in was the kitchen, the main room, and the music room.

I think it was time to explore.

Peeking out from the curtain, I made sure he was still at the organ. Good, he still was. Fresh music poured from the giant pipes against the wall. Still occupied, I see. Walking out from the black silk, I made my way along the wall until I found another door. It was very well hidden, and I doubted myself twice before I confirmed that it was, in fact, a door. Glancing back at Erik, I opened the door silently and crept inside.

It was dark. Of course...

My hands felt around the room, attempting to find a match or something for light. Finally, my fingers brushed against the slim sticks, and I picked one up, igniting it on the wall behind me. The small light flickered as I quickly searched for a candle before the flame went out. The dimly lit chemical tip pressed against the fuse of a candle as I found one.

The room lit with light as the flame grew a tad bigger. Then, I lit another one beneath it. Now I could see.

Glancing around, I noted my surroundings and contemplated what this room was. There was a table, a few chairs, multiple stacks of papers, and a bunch of drawing materials to go with it. An art room, perhaps? There was also a couple cabinets lining the walls. For paints?

Sliding my fingers around a handle on the cabinet, I pulled it open and peered inside. I expected to see paints and brushed. Or even something along the lines of art. But what was in there was definitely not artsy. No. Not at all.

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