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Wow. I did not do this in a while XD

Ty's P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night, of the tv turning down downstairs. I got out of bed groggily, and marched downstairs. What was Sky doing now? I yawned, rubbed my eyes. I peeked over the railings to see Sky watching some netflix. I tip toes downstairs, and said, shyly (since I had a crush on him)

"Hi." I murmured. He turned around, taking a sip of his soda.

"Hey Ty. Did I wake you?" I ignored his question.

"Couldn't sleep?" I inquired. He nodded.

"Yeah. I guess." He mumbled, throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth. I chuckled. He was cute when he ate like a chubby pig. 

"Want some soda?" He asked. I nodded. My mouth is kinda dry, even though I know I drooled last night.

"Yes please. I'll get some straws." I rushed to the cabnet with the straws in it, and realized that there was only one straw. I blushed, but took it anyways. I walked back to where Sky was sitting at.

"Umm, there was only one straw." I ventured. Sky giggled.

"We can just share it." Wow...I thought he wouldn't want too... I pit the straw in, waiting for him to take a sip out of it. He didn't for a while, so I opened my mouth to place it in the straw. What I didn't know, is that he did that at the exact same time! My lips landed on his, as I blushed, and pulled away. Oh no...he'll hate me now!

"I'm so sorry-" He cut me off, by kissing me square on the lips, and stroking my cheek with his hand. My face flushed red, leaving me to kiss him back. He loved me back!? I never thought this would happen.

"Ty...My plan worked. I didn't want to kiss you out of the blue, so I dumped all the straws in the garbage..." I didn't listen. He does love me back!

"I love you Sky. I was too scared to be rejected...." He snorted.

"Who would reject you? You're beautiful." I grinned, and slammed my lips onto his. This was perfect...

Hope you enjoyed! :3 Yeah it was cheesy, but whatever :D I take requests. I'll update soon :3


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