Chap 2 "Meet Nova"

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Nova's POV
The day has finally arrived where I can meet my internet best friend. We never met even though we've tried to, but I, Nova, will finally be able to. I'm twenty years old and a certified vet. Two years in college was all it took. I am a shy type of person and keep to myself, until you get to know me.
I love doing what I love. Sometimes I just need a little time to myself and think things through. I do love fashion, majorly. I do, currently have a three month boyfriend, Cameron (Cam) Lingsterae. Although, I honestly don't think he's interested in me anymore.
"Nova, can you come here for a second?" Dad asked.
"Yes," I sighed. I grabbed my suitcase and carry-on and walked into the living room. "I think I'm all packed and ready to go."
"You have a visitor," Dad pointed at Cam. "I'll leave you two alone."
"Thanks," I nodded as Dad left the room. "What are you doing here?"
"I came today goodbye," Cam smiled.
"I didn't even tell you I was leaving today," I nodded. I looked at the window and saw a red head sitting in the passenger seat of his car. "So, I see Delilah must've told you."
"Yeah, one of your girls from work," Cam nodded.
"Cam, I don't like that you've been lying to me," I crossed my arms. "Why do you keep sneaking around? Do you not like me anymore or do you just feel sorry for me because I was a girl you thought you could control?"
"Nova, why do you assume things?" Cam asked. I raised a brow at him. "Fine, yes. I have been sleeping with Delilah."
I kinda figured it out along the way so I slapped him. "Get out of my house," I replied. Cam left. Dad walked back into the room as Cam sped out the driveway. "Hi Dad."
"Where did he go?" Dad asked.
"I broke up with him and he left," I nodded.
"He was a nice boy," Dad sighed.
"Dad, he cheated on me," I pointed out. "He's sleeping with one of my co-workers."
"Where's my shotgun?" Dad asked.
"Dad, it's not even work it," I nodded as I stopped him from going to his bedroom. "It's alright. Besides, there are a lot of guys who are way better than him."
"Alright, Nova," Dad hugged me. "I almost forgot." He handed me a manilla envelope. "For you and your best friend when you guys are in LA."
"What is it?" I asked. I opened it and got out two VIP tickets for a red carpet premiere. "You got us tickets to a red carpet premiere?!"
"Yeah, it's for The Maze Runner series movies," Dad nodded. "You guys get to meet the cast and everything."
"Dad, thank you," I smiled as I hugged him. "I will send you the pictures."
"Have fun," Dad nodded.
The was a honk. "Must be the taxi," I sighed.

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