Chap 6 "The Bedrooms"

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Nova's POV
Trudy showed me to my room and closed the door behind me. "Wow," I looked around. "It's like a princess bed." There was a knock on the door. I opened it. "Hey Lea." She walked in and I closed the door. "So, I have something for us."
"What is it?" Lea asked.
"My dad got it for us and I think we should go," I nodded. I handed her the envelope. She opened it and got out two VIP tickets for the red carpet event. "So, what do you say?"
"We have to go," Lea smiled. "It's tomorrow evening?!"
"Yeah, that's kinda the problem with The detectives and Blake and Jayk," I nodded. "I wasn't really sure if we should tell them."
"Come on," Lea smiled. We found Blake and Jayk in the kitchen. "We need to talk to you two."
"When that comes from a woman's mouth, shield yourself if you're with them," Jayk nodded.
"Well, thing is, Nova's dad got us tickets to the red carpet for The Maze Runner cast tomorrow evening," Lea explained as she held up the passes. "We were hoping if you would consider letting us enjoy this day. Just me and her."
"Yeah, absolutely," Blake nodded. "The boys and I have recordings to do tomorrow anyways."
"Thank you," I exhaled.
"And we are thinking about moving in here with you guys," Jayk nodded.
"What?" Lea asked in shock.
"Yeah," Blake nodded. "Well, we are going to head home and pack, so see you guys in a few days."
"Bye," I replied as they left.
"Are they crazy?" Lea asked.
"It depends on how you define crazy," I replied as we walked to the living room with the two detectives there. "Because they're already crazy themselves."
"Nova, you don't get it," Lea sighed. "My mom gave me the whole summer to be here and have fun with my best friend." I looked at her. "If I don't land a job within the twelve weeks I'm here, I have to go back to NYC, and work for her." Lea was nodding. "And I do not want to work for my own mother. I know how crazy she can be."
"And I know how crazy you can be but I see your point," I nodded. "It's going to be hard for you to land a job with the degrees you got."
"Yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious," Lea sighed.
"Why don't you work retail?" the blonde asked.
"No," Lea and I replied at the same time.
"Sorry, Amanda, I've been down that train wreck," Lea nodded.
"Lea, why not do law enforcement?" asked the guy.
"My father was killed in the line of fire and my mom's a control freak because they were mostly married to their jobs," Lea replied. "I do not want to turn out like my parents. I also do not want to work for my mother because I don't want to be like her."
"Hey, Lea," I grabbed her be her shoulders and held her still. "You can figure it out on Sunday, okay? Relaxing for the rest of today and having fun tomorrow won't kill you."
"Oh, I'm not worried about that," Lea replied. "We are going to that red carpet event."
"Would you mind if I assist you?" Nick asked.
"How could you possibly get pass the guards?" I asked.
"My badge," Nick replied.
"There's always that," I nodded.
"Or that Miss Azalea Bishop is under protective custody," Amanda shrugged.
"I'm what now?" Lea asked.
"Uh, what I - I meant was, he could - he could say you're under - uh - under protective custody," Amanda replied. I wasn't buying the story but I'll let it slide because Lea was having fun tomorrow no matter what. "That could possibly get him through."
"Lea, we need to take lots of pictures together tomorrow," I replied. "And I'm sure Detective Amaro won't mind taking them for us."
"Anything for Lea," Nick nodded.
"So you're on nickname bases now?" I asked. "That's new."
"Nicky and I have known each other since I was thirteen," Lea smiled.
"Did we go on a few dates together?" Nick asked.
"A few?" Lea chuckled. "We dated for a year and a half. Six months later you were with Maria and ended up marrying her." I looked at Lea. "Remember that?"
"How old is he?" I asked.
"I'm twenty three," Nick nodded. "The divorce was finalized two years ago."
"Nick Amaro," Lea nodded. "Always wanted something he couldn't have."
"And what was that?" I asked.
"You don't wanna know," Lea nodded. "Anyways, you guys have to get back to work. Nova and I have some brainstorming to do." We went to the kitchen. "Nova, what are we rolling up to the red carpet in?"
"A limo," I replied. "We have to roll up in a limo."
"Okay," Lea nodded. "Just making sure."
"Since you know the LA style a little more than I do, you're the one helping me pick out a dress," I replied. "Because I honestly have no idea what to wear for a red carpet event."
"Lea," Nick walked into the kitchen. "What should I wear?"
"A tux would be nice," I replied.
"What Nova said," Lea nodded. Nick left. "He seriously won't leave me alone."
"Lea, look at me," I replied. Lea did, with no question. "I only see that look a few times in movies but this is the first time in real life."
"What are you talking about?" Lea asked.
"You still love Nick," I smiled. Lea smiled and then frown. "See, you just can't help but smile when you hear his name but then again he annoys you like crazy."
"Nova," Lea replied.
"Admit it, L," I smiled. "You still love him."
"Yes, I still like him, okay?" Lea admitted. "Can we please get off that subject?"
"Sure, only if you tell me one thing," I smiled.
"Let's get some sleep," Lea nodded.
"Alright," I smiled as she left. "She still loves him."

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