Chap 14 "Mix Up"

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Lea's POV
"How many times do I have to tell you?" I asked. "I never seen that firearm before in my life and I've never even seen the vic before."
"You know more than you're telling us," said Officer Elmore.
"I know all about your techniques," I sighed. "I studied them."
"This murder happened two weeks ago and you have the murder weapon in your home," Officer Elmore stated. "If you didn't do it, then who did?"
"That's a question you're going to have to answer yourself, gentleman," said Patrick as he walked in. "Sorry to keep you waiting. Miss Bishop."
"No, it's alright," I nodded. The officer left the room so I could talk to Patrick. "Sorry to drag you in on this."
"Just doing my job," Patrick nodded. "So, the murder happened two weeks ago and the weapon is found in your house."
"Bring the officer in here," I realized something. Patrick did. "You said that the murder happened two weeks ago?"
"That's right," Officer Elmore nodded. "So?"
"So?" I asked. "So, I wasn't even in LA at the time." I smiled. "I was in NYC working with the NYPD SVU. You can ask Detective Nick Amaro and my boss Sergeant Olivia Benson."
"We'll make the calls," Officer Elmore nodded.
Nick rushed into the room. "Nick," I sighed as we hugged each other. "Would you please tell him we were in New York for a month and didn't come back till Friday?"
"I still have our plane ticket stubs," Nick nodded as he handed the officer our stubs. "Did you make any payments on any card?"
"I charge my debit at the pizza parlor, and my amex at Macy's because of the coat," I nodded. "Can I please go home now?"
"We're going to have to test your hands for gunpowder residue," Officer Elmore replied.
"It's going to come back positive," I replied. "I had to use a gun as a detective."
"Go," Officer Elmore sighed.
Nick, Patrick, and I went on the diner across the street. "Nick, someone is obviously trying to set me up but miserably failed," I sighed. "You know I would never murder someone."
"I know, I know," Nick nodded. "Whoever it is could be trying to set up Nova too." I nodded. "Lea, listen to me and listen to me carefully." I looked at him. "I searched every inch of your house and I didn't find anything this morning. I promise you, I will find the crooked cop and bring you justice."
"Nick, just keep that anger check in control," I nodded. "I don't need you going to jail."
"I'll promise you that," Nick nodded. "Now go home and do everything that feels normal to you."
"Alright," I sighed. I went home and went straight to the dance studio. I tried to focus and concentrate but I kept missing my steps. "Dammit." I sat down in frustration. "I can't do it."
"Yes, you can," Blake replied.
I looked at him through the mirror. "I'm messing up the steps, I keep missing the entrance," I sighed. "I really wanna do this for Saturday."
"Come here," Blake nodded. He helped me up. "I'm not going to just stand back and watch you fail when I know you can do it."
"The only place I'll be performing is jail if I'm charged with murder," I sighed. E hugged me. Usually I'll feel all warm and safe but it just made me even sadder knowing that, if I'm charged, I won't be able to feel his hugs again. "Blake." We looked at each other. "Let's try again."

Nova's POV
"Lea," I said as I walked into the dance studio. She ended in a pose. "Lea."
"Yeah," Lea looked at me.
"Phone call," I nodded.
"Just one second," Lea smiled. She gave Blake a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for helping me." She walked over to me. "Who is it?"
"Nick," I nodded. She put the phone on speaker. "Really?"
"Hey Nick," Lea sighed. "What do you have for me?"
"You're not a suspect anymore," Nick replied. "Nor will you be questioned. Olivia confirmed our stay in NYC."
"Thank you so much, Nick," Lea smiled. "I owe you."
"You don't owe me anything," Nick replied.
"Again, thanks," Lea nodded and Nick hung up. "Thank god for that."
"So, what does this mean?" I asked.
"The party will be a blast," Blake smiled.
"Alright," I smiled. "Do I have to dress a certain type of way?"
"No," Lea nodded. "Just wear whatever you want."
"Got it," I smiled. "You look like a weight had been lifted off of you."
"Knowing I'm not charged with murder, that's a relief," Lea nodded. "But thing is, the murder was committed two weeks ago and I wasn't here."
"And you know I can't commit even if I tried," I smiled. Lea nodded. "I know that look in your eye, Lea. No, you're not going to work this one."
"I'm not working the case," Lea nodded. "I'm thinking about letting them ask for help when I'm not busy."
"You're always going to be busy," Blake replied. "Even when you're not, you're always going to be."
"Great," Lea nodded. "Then, I won't work."
"But if they do, you can't turn down the government," I shrugged. "I know you."
"Too well," Lea nodded.
"We're best friends," I smiled. "I'll always know your deepest, darkest secrets."

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