Chap 4 "Finally Meeting"

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Nova's POV
I looked at my dad. "That is my cue," I sighed.
"You have fun, Nova," Dad nodded. "And remember, come back if you want to."
"Dad, the plan wasn't for us to live there but we will see," I nodded. As I opened the door, the doorbell rang. I looked up to see who it was and my eyes met some beautiful golden brown ones. "Oh my god! Jayk?"
"Hi Nova," Jayk smiled.
I saw the taxi leave. "My taxi is leaving," I pointed. "Well, that's just great."
"If you don't mind, I paid the guy to leave," Jayk nodded. "I was hoping I could take you to the airport."
"Uhm, sure," I shrugged. "Just let me tell my dad bye." I turned and looked at my dad as Jayk grabbed my bags. "I'll see you at the end of summer if we come back. If not, I'll give you a call."
"Alright, sweetheart," Dad smiled. "Take care and be careful."
I nodded. We went to the airport in Jayk's car and walked inside. "Which plane?" I asked.
"Actually," Jayk nodded. "I bought two first class tickets to LA. Same time as your plane." I looked at Jayk. "The other ticket is yours."
"Jayk, I can't," I nodded.
"It's yours," Jayk nodded. "We should board the plane or we will be left here."
"Alright," I sighed. "Alright." We walked onto the plane and took off. "This is all new to me."
"Why?" Jayk asked.
"Never have I once had a first class ticket," I replied.
"Why?" Jayk asked.
"I was offered one, by Lea to go to NYC," I sighed. "But I declined because I couldn't take it."
"She could afford a first class ticket?" Jayk asked.
"We are all the same, Jayk," I sighed. "Some of us have to earn it, some of us had it handed down." I looked at Jayk. "She had hers handed down."
"But?" Jayk asked.
"She's my best friend and I don't care," I shrugged.
"How about a date?" Jayk asked.
"What?" I asked.
"A date," Jayk nodded. "You and me?"
"Uhm," I sighed. A part of my wanted to say yes but a pit in my stomach was telling me no because I just got out of a relationship. "Can I answer that after you do a little favor for me?"
"What is it?" Jayk asked.
"When we land in LA, I want you to record me meeting my best friend," I nodded.
"I can definitely do that for you," Jayk nodded.
After a few hours, we started landing at LAX. We went to luggage claim and found my suitcase. Jayk was recording with my phone. "Where is she?" I asked.
"I don't know," Jayk sighed.
"Nova!" exclaimed a voice.
I turned around. "Lea?" I asked. We ran up to each other and hugged each other. "We did it!"
"Oh my god!" Lea said as she looked at me. She hugged me again. "It worked. I can't believe it worked."
"For the first time in forever!" I exclaimed. I saw Blake recording. "Lea, why is Blake recording this?"
"Because he showed up at my house," Lea replied. "I wanted to tell you but, you know." She looked at Jayk. "And Jayk?"
"Same thing happened," I nodded. "I'm starting to think it isn't a coincidence that they showed up when they did."
"Do you guys know something we don't?" Lea asked.
"You guys messaged us and we showed up," Blake shrugged. "No harm, no fowl."
"We can't really be made at them," I replied. "We did kind of send them an invitation."

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